Gwell dy drugaredd Di a'th hedd

(Cyflawnder Trugaredd)
Gwell dy drugaredd Di a'th hedd
  Na'r byd, na'r bywyd chwaith;
Ac ni all angel gyfri' eu gwerth
  I dragwyddoldeb maith.

Ac mae pob peth yn eiddo im
  Heb eisiau, a heb drai;
Ac nid oes diffyg ddaw i'r lle
  Y ceffir dy fwynhau.

Mae pob dymuniad, a phob chwant,
  Fyth yno'n eitha' llawn;
A thystio'r wyf
    nad oes ond Duw
  A'm gwna yn ddedwydd iawn.

Doed y tymestloedd pena' ddêl,
  Digonol gallu'r ne';
A rhued moroedd dros y tir,
  Anfeidrol yw Efe.

Mi waeddaf yn y storom fawr,
  Dan donnau fwy na rhi';
Ac esgyn wna fy nrylliog lef
  I entrych nefoedd fry.
William Williams 1717-91
Môr o Wydr 1773

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Gräfenberg / Nun Danket All (J Crüger 1598-1662)
Lancaster (S Howard 1710-82)

gwelir: Ti Arglwydd ydwyt oll dy hun

(Abundance of Mercy)
Better thy mercy and thy peace
  Than the world, even than life;
And no angel can count their worth
  To a vast eternity.

And everything belongs to me
  Without lack, and without ebbing;
And there is no lack coming to the place
  Where thou art to be enjoyed.

Every request, and every desire, is
  There forever utterly fulfilled;
And I can testify that
    there is none but God
  Who can make me very happy.

Let the chief tempests come,
  Sufficient is the ability of heaven;
And let the seas rush across the land,
  Immeasurable is He.

I will shout in the great storm,
  Under waves greater than number;
And I will lift my shattered cry
  To the vault of heavens above.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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