Gwell ganddo na halogi

(Effeithiau marwolaeth y groes - Rhan III/IV)
Gwell ganddo na halogi,
  Cyfiawnder pur y Tad,
Oedd lliwio'r croesbren garw
  Fel 'sgarlad yn Ei waed:
Y gwaith oedd yn fwy rhyfedd,
  A'r gwaith oedd yn fwy drud,
Nag i gyfiawnder ddïal,
  I faddeu beiau'r byd.

P'un mwy wnaf ai ffieiddio
  Neu fostio 'mhechod câs,
A ddỳnodd y fath ddïal,
  Ennynodd y fath râs?
Cyfiawnder didrugaredd,
  A chariad di-nacâd,
Sydd yn cofieidio'r euog
  Yn llawen yn y gwaed.

Cyfiawnder amddiffynwyd
  A chariad yn Ei glwy';
A rhagor nag amddiffyn,
  'N awr fe'u dyrchafwyd hwy:
O! weithred o ryfeddod!
  Dirgelwch mawr ei hun;
'D oedd arall neb allasai
  Ei ffeindio ond Duw Ei Hun.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [7676D]:
Mannheim (Hans Leo Hassler 1564-1612)
Mount Street (John Roberts 1822-77)

  Rhan I - Pe buasai fil o fydoedd
  Rhan I/II - Pwy ddyry im' falm o Gilead?
  Rhan II/III - Anfeidrol fyth anfeidrol
  Rhan IV/V - Mae'r fath feddyliau mawrion
  Rhan V - 'N ol edrych ar ol edrych

(The effects of the death of the cross - Part 3/4)
Preferable to him than defiling
  The pure righteousness of the Father,
Was colouring the rough wooden cross
  Like scarlet in His blood:
The work was more wonderful,
  And the work was more costly,
Than righteousness avenging,
  To forgive the faults of the world.

What shall I do more, either detest
  Or boast of my hated sin,
That attracted such retribution,
  Which kindled such grace?
Merciless righteousness,
  And inexhaustible love,
Are embracing the guilty
  Joyfully in the blood.

Righteousness was defended
  And love in His wound;
And better than defended,
  Now they were exalted:
O action of wonder!
  A great mystery itself;
There was no other who could
  Find it but God Himself.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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