Gwir ddeiliaid teyrnas Iesu 'ynt

(Deiliaid teyrnas Crist)
Gwir ddeiliaid
    teyrnas Iesu 'ynt
  Rai gredant ynddo Ef;
A bedydd yw'r gweledig ddrws
  I mewn i deyrnas nef.

Aeth Crist ei hun trwy
    fedydd dwfr,
  Ac yna fedydd gwaed;
Am hyny'n ddarlun
    mwy o'i loes
  Y bedydd dwfr a wnaed.

Mae'n Frenin 'nawr ar orsedd lwys,
  Yn wrthddrych mawl y nef;
Ein calon ninau fyddo mwy
  Yn orsedd iddo Ef.

Teyrnased drwy'r efengyl fawr
  Dros barthau daear las,
A doed trigolion
    daear oll
  Yn ddeiliaid teyrnas gras.
Edward Roberts 1812-75

Tôn [MC 8686]: Farrant (Richard Farrant 1530-81)

(The tenants of Christ's kingdom)
The true tenants
    of the kingdom of Jesus are
  Those who believe in Him;
And baptism is the visible door
  Into the kingdom of heaven.

Christ himself went through
    the baptism of water,
  And then the baptism of blood;
Therefore a picture
     evermore of his anguish
  The baptism of water has made.

He is a King now on a holy throne,
  An object of the praise of heaven;
Our hearts too shall be evermore
  A throne for Him.

May he reign through the great gospel
  Over the regions of a blue-green earth,
And may all the inhabinants
    of the earth become
  Tenans of the kingdom of grace.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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