Gwir lawenychu wnawn Pan dd'wedent - Awn i fyny I dŷ yr Arglwydd, mawr ei ras, I'w addas ogoneddu. Caersalem, dinas hedd, Mewn sylwedd ga'dd ei seilio: O fewn dy byrth, yn mysg dy blant, Ein traed a safant yno. Dymunwn heddwch hon, Boed Sïon yn ben moliant; Cydseinied yr eglwysi glân I'w Brenin gân gogoniant. Suuml;on :: Seion yr eglwysi glân :: Dy holl Eglwys lân Thomas Williams (Eos y Mynydd) c.1769-1848
Tonau [MBC 6787]: |
Truly we would rejoice When they said - Let us go up To the house of the Lord, great his grace, To glorify him worthily. Jerusalem, the city of peace, In substance was established: Within thy portals, amongst thy children, Our feet are standing there. Let us seek this peace, Let Zion be foremost in praise; Let the holy churches sound together To the King a song of glory. :: the holy churches :: all Thy holy church tr. 2011 Richard B Gillion |