Gwnaeth mwyn Dywysog hedd

(Galwad yr efengyl)
  Gwnaeth mwyn Dywysog hedd
    A llaw anfeidrol hael,
  Dragwyddol freiniol wledd,
    I dlodion gweinion gwael;
'Doedd dim fath fwrdd
      yn Eden ardd,
Na ffrwyth mor hyfryd ac mor hardd.

  Trugaredd, hedd, a gras,
    A hoff gymdeithas Duw,
  Yw'r peraidd ymborth bras,
    Danteithion goreu rhyw;
A thaer yw'r gw'odd
      trwy'r byd a'r g'odd,
A roi'r i bawb a ddel o'u bodd.

  Y tlawd, y dall, a'r cloff,
    Galarus iawn eich gwedd,
  I chwi mae groesaw hoff
    I'r orfoleddus wledd;
I fyn'd mae lle, ac ymborth llawn,
A gwisgodd rhad a dysglaer iawn.

  Aneirif fyrdd sy 'nawr
    Yn gwledda 'n Salem fry,
  Fu yn y neithior fawr,
    Heb lenwi ddim o'r tŷ:
Mae etto le i ddirfawr lu,
De'wch oll ymlaen, gyfeillion cu.

  Na 'mesgusoded un,
    De'wch bawb i'r wledd ar frys;
  Ymwthiwch yn gytun
    I'r lân frenhinol lŷs;
A molwch eich haelionus Nêr
O gylch y bwrdd a'r allwedd bêr.
Benjamin Francis 1734-99

Tonau [666688]:
Clapham (<1811)
Jubili (H J Gauntlett 1805-76)
Lovely / Rhosymedre (John D Edwards 1805-85)

(The call of the gospel)
  The gentle Prince of peace made
    With an immeasurable, generous hand,
  An eternal, privileged feast,
    For poor, weak, base ones;
There was no such board
      in the garden of Eden,
Nor fruit so delightful and so beautiful.

  Mercy, peace, and grace,
    And the lovely fellowship of God,
  Is the sweet, rich food,
    Delicacies of the best kind;
And earnest is the invitation
      published throughout the world,
Which gives to all who come voluntarily.

  The poor, the blind, and the lame,
    Very lamentable your condition,
  To you is the favoured welcome
    To the jubilant feast;
To go there is room, and full provision,
And garments free and very bright.

  An innumerable myriad are now
    Feasting in Salem above,
  Who were in the great wedding banquet,
    Without filling the house at all:
There is still room for an enormous host,
Come on ye all, dear friends.

  Let none excuse himself,
    Come all ye to the feast at once;
  Press in in agreement
    To the holy, royal court;
And praise your generous Lord
Around the board with the sweet key.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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