Gwnaed cyfammod gwerthfawr rhad
Gwnawd cyfammod gwerthfawr rhad

(Y cyfammod gras)
1,2,3;  1,3,2.
Gwnaed cyfammod gwerthfawr rhâd,
  â'n Gwaredwr;
Iesu drefnwyd gan y Dad,
  yn Gyfryngwr;
Ar ammodau cedyrn, clud,
  N'all, ond hyny,
Satan, uffern fawr a'r byd -
  Eu diddymu.

'Roedd ei bleser cyn bod byd -
  gyda dynion,
Ac yn caru 'roedd o hyd,
  ei gaseion;
Ac fe dalodd drostynt Iawn,
  pan oe'nt etto
Mewn tywyllwch dudew, llawn,
  heb ddihuno.

Cyn rho'i bod
    i'r ddaear gron,
  Na dim arni,
Gwnaed y drefen ddwyfol hon,
  i'n gwaredu:
Crist addawodd golli'i waed,
  yn llawn foddlon,
Yn ol arch
    ei anwyl Dad,
  tros elynion.

           - - - - -

Gwnawd cyfammod gwerthfawr rhad,
  I fy ngwared,
Rhwng fy Iesu a'm hanwyl Dad,
  O'm caethiwed;
Ar ammodau cedyrn, drud,
  Na all, ond hyny,
Satan, uffern fawr, a'r byd
  Eu diddymu.

'Roedd ei bleser cyn bod byd
  Gyda dynion,
Ac yn caru yr oedd o hyd
  Ei gaseion;
Ac fe dalodd drostynt iawn
  Pan oent etto
Mewn tywyllwch dudew, llawn,
  Heb ddihuno.

Cyn rhoi bod
    i'r ddaear gron,
  Na dim arni,
Gwnawd y ddwyfol drefn hon
  I'm gwaredu:
Iesu addawodd golli ei waed,
  Yn llawn foddlon,
Yn ol arch
    ei anwyl Dad,
  Dros elynion.

Cafodd enw, cafodd glod,
  O ddiodde';
Cafodd daliad pena' erioed
  O'i gystuddiau;
Fe gyflawna'i anwyl Dad
  Ei addewidion,
Roddodd iddo
    am golli ei waed
  Yn dra ffyddlon.  
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [7474D]:
    Aberafon (John Roberts 1822-77)
    Essex (<1869)

(The covenant of grace)
A precious, free covenant was made,
  with our deliverer,
Jesus was ordained by the Father,
  as Mediator;
On firm, secure terms,
  nothing can, but this,
Satan, great hell, and the world,
  satisfy them.

His pleasure was before the world
  with men,
And loving he was always
  his enemies;
And he paid for them a Ransom
  when they were still
In full, thick, black darkness,
  With no awakening.

Before giving existence
    to the round earth,
  nor anything upon it,
This divine scheme was made
  To deliver us:
Jesus promised to shed his blood,
  Fully voluntarily,
According to the commandment
    of his dear Father,
  for enemies.

             - - - - -

A precious, free covenant was made,
  To deliver me,
Between my Jesus and my dear Father,
  From my captivity;
On firm, costly terms,
  Nothing can, but this,
Satan, great hell, and the world,
  Satisfy them.

His pleasure was before the world
  With men,
And loving he was always
  His enemies;
And he paid a ransom for them
  When they were still
In full, thick, black darkness,
  With no being awake.

Before giving existence
    to this round earth,
  Nor anything upon it,
This divine scheme was made
  To deliver me:
Jesus promised to shed his blood,
  Fully voluntarily,
According to the commandment
    of his dear Father,
  For enemies.

He got a name, he got praise,
  From suffering;
He got the chief payment ever
  From his afflictions;
His dear Father fulfilled
  His promises,
Which he gave him
    for shedding his blood
  So faithfully.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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