Gwrandawaf, anwyl Iesu, Yn ufudd ar dy lais, Sy'n erchi im' hyderu Ar Dduw a %yr fy nghais; Edrychaf fyth ar adar Y nefoedd, deulu llon, Mor beraidd maent yn trydar, Heb ofid dan eu bron. Nid ŷnt yn hau na medi, Na chywain adre' chwaith, - Ond etto cânt eu porthi Gan Dad holl natur faith. Edrychaf ar y llysiau Sy'n tyfu'n llon o'r llawr, - Mil harddach yw eu lliwiau Na gwisg un t'wysog mawr. Os Duw fel hyn sy'n porthi Yr adar heb naccâu, Ac yn dilladu'r lili Mor hardd, a hithau'n frau; Pa fodd y diobeithiaf, I mi na rydd yn fwyn, Yn hyn sydd eisiau arnaf? Pa ham na thaw fy nghŵyn? Yn gweled mae ei lygad Fy eisiau draw o bell; A'm lles a ŵyr yn wastad, Nâ mi yn llawer gwell: Ei air sy'n gweyd mai ganddo Yn rhif mae gwallt fy mhen, - Rjof fyth fy ngoglud arno, Mae'n Llywydd dae'r a nen.Daniel Evans (Daniel Ddu o Geredigion) 1792-1846 [Mesur: 7676D] |
I will listen, dear Jesus, Obediently to thy voice, Which is commanding me to be confident In God who knows my request; I will look forever on the birds Of the heavens, a cheerful family, How sweetly they are twittering, Without worry under their breast. They are neither sowing nor reaping, Nor conveying home either, - But yet they get fed By the Father of all vast nature. I will look on the herbs Which are growing cheerfully from the ground, - A thousand times more beautiful are theie colours Than the clothing of any great prince. If God thus is feeding The birds without refusing, And clothingthe lily So beautifully, and it fragile; How shall I be hopeless, That he will not give gently, That which I need? Why not silence my complaint? Seeing is his eye My need from far away; And my benefit he knows constantly, Than I much better: His word is telling that he has As a number the hair of my head, - I will put my turst in him, He is the Governor of earth and 2016 Richard B Gillion |