Gwrandâwr gweddïau'r gwael

(Eiriolwr gyda'r Tad)
Gwrandâwr gweddïau'r gwael,
  A Brawd trueiniaid trist;
Y Cyfaill gorau dan y sêr
  Yw 'Mhrynwr, Iesu Grist.

Fe gwyd fy enaid gwan
  I'r lan o'r dyffryn du;
Gostega'r stormydd creulon iawn,
  Rhydd heddwch llawn i mi.

Eiriolwr perffaith yw,
  Gwnaeth Dduw a ninnau'n un;
Pob perchen anadl dan y nef,
  Dyrchafed Fab y Dyn!
Morgan Rhys 1716-79

Tonau [MB 6686]:
    Aylesbury (Salmydd Chetham 1718)
    Downing (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)

(An Intercessor with the Father)
A Listener to the prayers of the vile,
  And a Brother of sad wretches;
The best Friend under the stars
  Is my Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

He lifts my weak soul
  Up from the black vale;
He calms the very cruel storms,
  He gives full peace to me.

A perfect Intercessor he is,
  He made God and us one;
Every possessor of breath under heaven,
  Let it exalt the Son of Man!
tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.', an English translation by 'tr.'

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