Gwybyddwch ethol o Dduw Cun

[3] Gwybyddwch ethol o Dduw Cun,
  Iddo'i hun y duwiolaf:
A phan alwyf arno yn hy',
  Efe a wrendy arnaf.

[6] Pwy, medd llaweroedd, y pryd hyn,
  A ddengys in' ddaioni?
O Arglwydd, dyrcha d'wyneb-pryd,
  Daw digon iechyd i ni.

[7] Rho'ist i'n calon lawenydd mwy,
  A hyny drwy dy fendith,
Nag a fyddai gan rai yn trin,
  Amlder o'u gwin a'u gwenith.
Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

[MS 8787]

  Duw fy nghyfiawnder clywaist fi
  Pwy medd llaweroedd y pryd hyn?

Psalm 4
[3] Know ye the elect of Dear God,
  For himself the most godly:
And when I call on him boldly,
  He will listen to me.

[6] Who, say multitudes, now,
  Will show us goodness?
O Lord, lift thy countenance,
  sufficient health comes to us.

[7] Thou gavest to our hearts more joy,
  And this through thy blessing,
Than some would have cultivating,
  Such plenty of their wine and their wheat.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion
Consider, that the righteous man
  is God's peculiar choice;
And, when to him I make my pray'r,
  he always hears my voice,

While worldly minds impatient grow,
  more prosp'rous times to see
Still let the glories of thy face
  shine brightly, Lord, on me.

So Shall my heart o'erflow with joy,
  more lasting, and more true,
Than theirs who stores of corn and wine
  successively renew.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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