Gwylia drosom Arglwydd Iesu

(Gofal Duw)
Gwylia drosom, Arglwydd Iesu,
  Mae'n hwyrhau, a ninnau'n flin;
Yn y nos sydd yn dynesu,
  Gad i ni gael melys hun.

Gwyliaist drosom pan yn dysgu,
  Pan yn chwarae, pan ar daith;
Gwylia drosom pan yn cysgu
  Heno drwy y ddunos faith.

Anfon engyl nef i'n gwylio,
  Dan eu hedyn
      nodded fydd;
Yna melys fydd noswylio,
  Melys deffro gyda'r dydd.

Daw Dy engyl Di yng ngofal
  A gweddïau tad a mam;
Yna cysgwn yn ddiofal
  Am na haint na chur na cham.

Gyda'r engyl, a'n rhieni,
  Aros Dithau, Iesu mawr;
Rho Dy fendith i'n cysgodi
  Nes dihunwn gyda'r wawr.

Dydd llawenydd, gwaith heb flinder!
  Heb un nos i'w ddilyn ef!
Pawb yn ieuanc! pawb mewn hoender!
  Yn nhragwyddol ddydd y nef.
David Adams (Hawen) 1845-1923

Tôn [8787]: St Mabyn (Arthur H Brown 1830-1926)

(God's Care)
Watch over us, Lord Jesus,
  It is getting late, and we weary;
In the night which is approaching,
  Let us get sweet sleep.

Thou didst watch over us when learning,
  When playing, when on a journey;
Watch over us when sleeping
  Tonight through the long, black night.

Send heaven's angels to watch us,
  Under their wings
      there will be protection;
Then sweet will be spending the night,
  Sweet waking with the day.

May Thy angels come in the care
  And the prayers of father and mother;
Then let us sleep without anxiety
  About disease or ache or injury.

With the angels, and our parents,
  Stay Thou also, great Jesus;
Give Thy blessing to overshadow us
  Until we wake with the dawn.

A day of joy, of work without exhaustion!
  Without any night to follow it!
Everyone young! everyone in sprightliness!
  In the eternal day of heaven.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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