Gwyn ei fyd yr ystyriol frawd
Gwyn fyd y da ystyriol frawd
O gwyn ei fyd ystyriol frawd

Salm XCI
Gwyn ei fyd yr ystyriol frawd,
  A wnel â'r tlawd syberwyd:
Yr Arglwydd ystyriol o'r nef
  A'i ceidw ef rhag drygfyd.

Yn ei wely pan fo yn glaf,
  Rhydd y Goruchaf iechyd;
A Duw a g'weiria oddi fry
  Ei wely yn ei glefyd.

Dywedais innau yna'n rhwydd,
  Dod, f'Arglwydd, dy drugaredd;
Iachâ' di'r dolur sy dan f'ais,
  Can's pechais mewn anwiredd.

            - - - - -

Gwyn fyd y da ystyriol frawd,
  A wnel â'r tlawd syberwyd;
Ystyr yr Arglwydd
    hyn o'r nef,
  I'w gadw ef rhag drygfyd.

Yn ei wely pan fo yn glaf,
  Rhydd y Goruchaf iechyd;
A Duw 'gyweiria oddi fry
  Ei wely yn ei glefyd.

Dywedais innau yna'n rhwydd,
  Dod, Arglwydd, dy drugaredd;
Iachâ' y dolur sy dan fy ais,
  Can's pechais mewn anwiredd.

            - - - - -
(Gwynfyd y tosturiol)
O gwyn ei fyd ystyriol frawd,
  A wnel â'r tlawd syberwyd;
Yr Arglwydd da o entrych nef,
  A'i ceidw ef rhag drygfyd.

Pan fyddo yn ei wely'n glaf,
  Rhydd y Goruchaf iechyd;
A Duw gyweiria oddi fry
  Ei wely yn ei glefyd.

Dywedais innau yna'n rhwydd,
  Dod, Arglwydd, dy drugaredd;
Iachâ' y dolur sy dan f'ais,
  Can's pechais mewn anwiredd.
Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

[Mesur: MS 8787]

Psalm 41
Blessed is the considerate brother,
  Who deals with the poor decently:
The considerate Lord from heaven
  Will keep him from evil.

In his bed when he be ill,
  The Most High will give health;
And God will mend from above
  His bed in his illness.

As for me, I then said freely,
  May thy mercy, Lord, come;
Heal the sadness that is under my breast,
  Since I sinned in untruth.

                - - - - -

Blessed is the good, considerate brother,
  Who deals with the poor decently:
The Lord will consider
    this one from heaven
  To keep him from evil.

In his bed when he be ill,
  The Most High will give health;
And God will mend from above
  His bed in his illness.

As for me, I then said freely,
  May thy mercy, Lord, come;
Heal the sadness that is under my breast,
  Since I sinned in untruth.

                - - - - -
(Blessed the merciful)
O blessed is the considerate brother,
  Who deals with the poor decently;
The good Lord from the vault of heaven,
  Will keep him from evil.

When he is in his bed ill,
  The Most High will give health;
And God will mend from above
  His bed in his illness.

As for me, I then said freely,
  May thy mercy, Lord, come;
Heal the sadness that is under my breast,
  Since I sinned in untruth.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
1 Happy the man whose tender care 
    relieves the poor distressed;
  When he's by trouble compassed round
    the Lord shall give him rest.

3 If he in languishing estate,
    oppressed with sickness lie;
  The Lord will easy make his bed,
    and inward strength supply.

4 Secure of this, to thee, my God,
    I thus my pray'r addressed:
  "Lord, for thy mercy, heal my soul,
    though I have much transgressed."

                - - - - -

1 Happy the man whose tender care 
    relieves the poor distressed;
  When he's by trouble
      compassed round
    the Lord shall give him rest.

3 If he in languishing estate,
    oppressed with sickness lie;
  The Lord will easy make his bed,
    and inward strength supply.

4 Secure of this, to thee, my God,
    I thus my pray'r addressed:
  "Lord, for thy mercy, heal my soul, 
    though I have much transgressed."

                - - - - -
1 Happy the man whose tender care 
    relieves the poor distressed;
  When he's by trouble compassed round
    the Lord shall give him rest.

3 If he in languishing estate,
    oppressed with sickness lie;
  The Lord will easy make his bed,
    and inward strength supply.

4 Secure of this, to thee, my God,
    I thus my pray'r addressed:
  "Lord, for thy mercy, heal my soul, 
    though I have much transgressed."
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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