Gwyn fyd y dyn a gred yn Nuw
Gwynfyd y dyn a gred yn Nuw

(Diogelwch y Crediniol)
Gwyn fyd y dyn a gred yn Nuw,
  Efe gaiff fyw'n dragwyddol;
Ei hyder sanctaidd cadarn sydd
  Fel mynydd Seion siriol.

Tragwyddol fraich trugaredd gu
  Sy'n amgylchynu'i enaid;
O'r llaw alluog nid â 'ngholl
  Fyth un o'r holl ffyddloniaid.

Pe syrthiai braisg
    golofnau'r byd
  A'r brynian i gyd i'r eigion,
Saif Eglwys Dduw
    - ni sigla darn
  O gadarn sylfaen Seion.
Gwyn fyd :: Gwynfyd

Benjamin Francis 1734-99

Tôn [MS 8787]:
    Eisenach (J H Schein 1586-1630)
    St Edward (E Stephen [Tanymarian] 1822-85)
    St Ffraid (Ifan William)
    St Garmon (<1875)

(The Safety of the Believer)
Blessed is the man who believes in God,
  He shall get to live eternally;
His holy confidence is firm
  Like cheerful mount Zion.

The eternal arms of dear mercy
  Are surrounding his soul;
From his powerful hand never shall be lost
  Any of all the faithful.

If the stout pillars of
    the world should fall
  And all the hills into the ocean,
The church of God would stand -
    no piece would shift
  Of the firm foundation of Zion.

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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