Gwyn fyd y gwas gofalus gwiw

(Anrhydedd y Gwas Ffyddlon)
Gwyn fyd y gwas gofalus, gwiw,
Ddefnyddiai'i ddydd wrth fodd ei Dduw,
  Gan weithio'n ddiwyd ar y llawr
  Yn ngorchwyl maith ei Arglwydd mawr.

Daeth diwedd ar ei lafur waith,
Ca'dd fyn'd i mewn i'r gwynfyd maith;
  Ei ymdrech dêg yn achos Duw
  Wobrwyir gan ei Brynwr byw.

O boed i ninau, tra bo'm byw,
  Ymdrechu'n dêg yn achos Duw,
Gwas'naethu Crist hyd eitha'n grym:
  Cawn wenu'n llon ar angau llym.
Hymnau (Wesleyaidd) 1876

Tôn [MH 8888]:
    Ffrydiau Babilon (Thomas Campion 1567-1619)

(Honouring the Faithful Servant)
Blessed is the careful, worthy servant,
He used his day to please his God,
  By working diligently on the earth
  In the many tasks of his great Lord.

There came an end to his laborious work,
He got to enter into the vast blessedness;
  His fine effort in the cause of God,
  Is to be rewarded by his living Redeemer.

Oh may it be to us, while we live,
  To make a fine effort in the cause of God,
To serve Christ with all our strength:
  May we get to smile cheerfully at sharp death.
tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.', an English translation by 'tr.'

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