Gwynfyd y llu mewn newydd wedd, Heb boen na braw sy' draw i'r bedd, Yn edrych oll ar Frenin hedd, Eu gwledd hyfrydol yw. I drag'wyddoldeb maith ynghyd, Y seinia'r saint Hosanna i gyd, I'r Oen a laddwyd tros y byd, Mewn pryd i'w cadw'n fyw. 'Rwy'n friw gan hiraeth lawer pryd, Am roi ffarwel i hyn o fyd; Myn'd adref beunydd sy'n fy mryd, I'r nefoedd glyd i fyw: Fe dynnwyd colyn angeu llym, Mae marw yn fawr elw im', Congcwerodd cariad mawr ei rym Fy llym elynol griw. O ddedwydd rai sy'r fynyd hon A'u cyrph yn gorphwys tan y don, Heb friw na phoen yn Seion lon, Yn canu i'r tirion O'n; Mae f'esgyrn swrth a'm cnawd ynghyd Yn dyfal ddisgwyl am y pryd, I orwedd yn y ddaear fud, Derfydd i gyd fy mhoen. Fel dieithr un wyf yma'n awr, Yn teithio ar wyneb daear lawr, Gan ddisgwyl am y boreu wawr, Mae'm Brenin mawr gerllaw. Ca' 'mlith y dorf o rif y ser, Sy' a'u t'lynau aur yn canu'n ber, Heb dewi i foli fry fy Ner, Braf amser, 'bryd y daw. Mae'r hiraeth hynny tan fy mron, Am burdeb ar y ddaear hon, Cael rhodio'n llewyrch d'wyneb llon, Ne's delwy' i Seion draw, At ffyddlon frodyr f'anwyl Frawd, Trag'wyddol Gyfaill f'enaid tlawd, Er gynt fy ngholli, yntho'm ca'w'd, Iachaw'd fi o'm cur a'm braw. Trwy gleisiau'r Oen daeth im' iachad, Rhyfeddaf bellach rin y gwa'd, Fe r'odd foddlonrwydd llawn i'r Tad, Rhyddhad sy'n awr i mi; Yn foreu iawn cyn dyddiau f'oes Bu farw troswyf ar y gro's; F'enaid caned ddydd a nos, Am ddios gariad cu. Addewid cefais yn ddio'd, Cawn fyd a phechod tan fy nhro'd: Yr Alpha'm carodd cyn fy mod, Erio'd yn ffyddlon mae; Bu ar Galfaria yn ddi-ble, Creawdwr daear fawr a ne' 'N dioddef angeu yn fy lle, Maddeuodd e' fy mai. Rhyfeddodd daear lawr a nen, Wel'd eu Creawdwr ar y pren, Fe d'wyllai'r haulwen fry uwchben, Fe grynai'r ddaeren gron: Daeth meirw'n fyw o'u bru i'r lan, Fe holltai'r creigiau yn y man, O werthfawr Briod f'enaid gwan, Ca'dd angeu tan ei fron. Rho'i 'i gorph yn friw i'r ddaear ddu, 'Nol talu dyled f'enaid cu, Er gosod arno wilwyr lu, Cyfodi wnaeth fy Nuw: Daeth Brenin hedd o'i fedd i ma's, O lym grafangau'r angau glas, Rhyfeddol anherfynol ras, Fy Mhriod addas yw.Morgan Rhys 1716-79 Golwg o Ben Nebo, 1764. [Mesur: 8886D] |
Blessed is the host in a new condition, Without pain or terror who are beyond the grave, All looking on the King of peace, Their feast is delightful. For a vast eternity together, The saints will all sound Hosanna, To the Lamb who was slain for the world, In time to preserve it alive. I am sore from longing many a time, To bid farewell to this world; To go home daily is my intent, To the cosy heavens to live: He pulled the sharp sting of death, Death is a great gain to me, Love with its great force has conquered My sharp, hostile mob. Oh happy those who this minute Have their bodies resting under the wave, Without bruise or pain in cheerful zion, Singing to the tender Lamb; My sore bones, together with my flesh, are Intently waiting for the time, To lie in the mute earth, All my pain will vanish. Like a stranger I am here how, Travelling on the face of the earth below, While waithing for the morning dawn, My great King is at hand. I will get amongst the throng, numerous at the stars, Who are with their golden harps singing sweetly, Without ceasing to praise above my Master, A pleasant time, on some occasion to come. There is this longing under my breast, For purity on this earth, To get to walk in the radiance of thy cheerful face, Until I come to yonder Zion, To the faithful brothers of my dear Brother, The eternal Friend of my poor soul, Although once lost, in thee I am found, Heal me of my ache and my terror. Through the wounds of the Lamb healing came to me, I will wonder henceforth at the virtue of the blood, He gave a full satisfaction to the Father, Freedom there is now for me; Very early before the days of my age He died for me on the cross; Let my soul sing day and night, About steadfast, dear love. A promise I got without delay, I would get world and sin under my feet: The Alpha loved me before I was, Ever faithful he is; He was on Calvary unquestionably, The Creator of the great earth and heaven Suffering death in my place, He forgave my fault. The earth below and heaven were amazed, To see their Creator on the tree, The sun darkened up overhead, The round earth quaked: Dead came alive up from their womb, The rocks split suddenly, From the precious Spouse of my weak soul, He got death under his breast. His body was put broken into the black earth, After paying the debt of my dear soul, Despite the setting of a force of guards upon it, Rise did my God: The King of peace came out from his grave, From the sharp clutches of utter death, Wonderful, endless grace, My Spouse is 2015 Richard B Gillion |