Gwynfydedig wyt heb gêl, O ddedwydd Israel, byth! Nid oes dybyg iti'n bod, - Yn Nuw cai wneyd dy nyth: Iesu fydd dy gadarn dŵr, Cledd dy ardderchogrwyd yw! Tarian dy gynorthwy fydd Tra byddot yma'n byw. Nid rhaid ofni gelyn mwy, Dyg Duw hwy dan dy draed: Concwest glân drwy farwol glwy' Byth arnynt hwy a gaed. Paid âg ofni, Israel wan, Y gelynion oddimewn; Rhydd dy Dduw it' yn y man Y fuddugoliaeth lawn. Israel yna drig ei hun, Pob gelyn gilia draw; Nodded iddo bydd ei Dduw, A'i gymhorth ar bob llaw: Breichiau'r Ior tragwyddol sydd Yn ei gynal ar ei daith; Nefoedd iddo'n gartref fydd I dragwyddoldeb maith.Casgliad o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844 Tôn [7676.7776]: Amsterdam (James Nares 1715-83) gwelir: 'Does i Dduw Jesurun ail |
Blessed art thou without a lie, O happy Israel, forever! There is none similar to thee being, - In God thou mayst make thy nest: Jesus shall be thy firm tower, The sword of thy excellence he is! The shield of thy help he shall be While ever thou art living. There is no longer a need to fear an enemy, God shall bring them under thy feet: A holy conquest through a mortal wound Shall be got over them. Do not fear, weak Israel, The enemy from within; Thy God shall give thee soon The full victory. Israel shall reside there himself, Every enemy shall retreat yonder; A refuge to him shall be his God, And his help on every hand: The arms of the Lord are Supporting him on his journey; Heaven to him a home shall be For a vast 2017 Richard B Gillion |
Blest, O Israel, art thou! What people is like thee? Saved from sin, by Jesus, now Thou art, and still shalt be; Jesus is thy seven-fold shield, Jesus is thy flaming sword; Earth, and hell, and sin, shall yield To God's almighty Word. God is thine; disdain to fear The enemy within: God shall in thy flesh appear, And make an end of sin; God the man of sin shall slay, Fill thee with triumphant joy; God shall thrust him out, and say, "Destroy them all, destroy!" All the struggle then is o'er, And wars and fightings cease, Israel then shall sin no more, But dwell in perfect peace; All his enemies are gone; Sin shall have in him no part; Israel now shall dwell alone, With Jesus in his heart.Charles Wesley 1707-88 from: None is like Jeshurun's God
Tune [7676.7776]: Jeshurun |