Gwyr Micael ymwrolwch

Gwyr Micael ymwrolwch
    a dewch i faes y gwaed,
Fe gwympir ein gelynion
    yn feirwon tan ein traed;
  Rhowd i ni'r fuddugoliaeth
       trwy nerthol had y wraig,
  Fe sigwyd ar Galfaria
       yn chwilfriw ben y ddraig.

Agorodd ddrws i'r caethion
    i ddo'd o'r custudd mawr
A'i werthfawr waed fe dalodd
    eu dyled oll i lawr;
  Nid oes dim damnedigaeth
      i neb o'r duwiol hâd,
  Y gwaredigion canent
      am rinwedd mawr ei wa'd.

Wele dyma'r hen addewid
    a gadwodd rif y gwlith
O ddynion wedi'u colli,
    a gân am dani byth;
  Er cael eu mynych glwyfo
      gan bechod îs y nen,
  Iachawyd eu mawrion glwyfau
      â dail y bywiol bren.

Ni lwydda un offeryn
    i ddrygu neb o'r had
A brynwyd ar Galfaria
    gan Iesu Grist a'i wa'd;
  Er gwaethaf Pharao greulon,
      hen Og a'r cewri mawr,
  Caiff gwraig yr Oen yn sicr
      eu gyddfau oll i lawr.

Mae'i Phriod wedi blaenu
    i'r nefoedd wen o'i bla'n,
Fe glwyfodd ei gelynion
    yn feirwon fawr a mân;
  Fe arwain ei Anwylyd
      i'r bywyd yn ei law,
  A nefoedd fydd ei weled
      i drag'wyddoldeb draw.

Yng ngwedd ei Phriod hawddgar
    caiff ymddigryfu byth,
Hi gân yn beraidd iddo
    hir oesoedd rif y gwlith,
  Pwy ddatgan byth happusrwydd
      yr etholedig ryw?
  O gwyn eu byd y genedl
      sydd a'r Arglwydd iddi'n Dduw.
Morgan Rhys 1716-79
Golwg o Ben Nebo, 1764.


gwelir: Wele dyma'r hen addewid

Ye men of Michael be brave
    and come to the field of blood,
Our enemies shall fall
    dead under our feet;
  To us was given victory
      through the strong see of the woman,
  Crushed on Calvary
      to pieces was the head of the dragon.

He opened the door for the captives
    to come from the great tribulation
With his precious blood he paid
    down all their debt;
  There is no condemnation
      to any of the godly seed,
  The delivered shall sing
      about the great merit of his blood.

See, here is the old promise
    which kept as many as the dew
Of men having been lost,
    who will sing about it forever;
  Despite getting often wounded
      by sin below the sky,
  Their great wounds were healed
      with the leaves of the lively tree.

No weapon will succeed
    to harm any of the seed
That was redeemed on Calvary
    by Jesus Christ and his blood;
  Despite cruel Pharaoh,
      old Og and the great giants,
  The bride of the Lamb shall surely get
      all their necks down.

Her Spouse has gone ahead
    to the bright heavens before her,
He wounded her enemies
    dead great and small;
  He leads his Beloved
      to the life in his hand,
  And heavens she will see
      for an eternity yonder.

In the presence of her beautiful Spouse
    she will get to take delight forever,
She will sing sweetly to him
    long ages numerous as the dew,
  Who can ever expound the happiness
      of the chosen ones?
  O blessed is the nation
      that has the Lord as its God.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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