Halelwia Halelwia (Seinier mawl i'r uchel Dduw)

Halelwia! Halelwia!
  Seinier mawl i'r uchel Dduw;
Ef yw Brenin y brenhinoedd,
  Arglwydd yr arglwyddi yw:
Pwysa eangderau'r cread
  Byth ar ei ewyllys gref;
Ein gorffwysfa yw ei gariad:
  Halelwia! Molwn ef.

Halelwia! Halelwia!
  Gwylio mae bob peth a wnaed;
Cerdd mewn nerth drwy'r uchelderau
  A'r cymylau'n llwch ei draed:
Ynddo mae preswylfa'r oesau,
  Dechrau a diwedd popeth yw;
Newydd beunydd yw ei ddoniau:
  Halelwia! Molwn Dduw.

Halelwia! Halelwia!
  Yn ei Fab daeth atom ni;
Cyfuwch a'i orseddfainc ddisglair
  Yw y groes ar Galfari:
Ef yw sicrwydd ei arfaethau,
  Ef mewn pryd a'u dwg i ben;
Tragwyddoldeb sydd yn olau:
  Halelwia byth! Amen.
Howell Elvet Lewis [Elfed] 1860-1953

Tôn [8787D]: Harford (Alun Davies 1924-88)

Alleluia! Alleluia!
  Let praise be sounded to the high God;
He is the King of kings,
  The Lord of lords he is:
The vastness of the creation leans
  Forever upon his strong will;
Our resting-place is his love:
  Alleluia! Let us praise him.

Alleluia! Alleluia!
  He is watching everything that waa made;
Walking in strength through the heights
  With the clouds as the dust of his feet:
In him the ages are residing,
  The beginning and end of everying he is;
New daily are his gifts:
  Alleluia!  Let us praise God.

Alleluia! Alleluia!
  In his Son he came to us;
As high as his radiant throne
  Is the cross on Calvary:
His is the certainty of his purposes,
  He in time shall bring them to pass;
Eternity is light:
  Alleluia forever! Amen.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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