Hawdd i enaid y credadun Yw addoli gyda blas, Mae ei foliant fyth yn esgyn Am newyddion dwyfol ras; Mae yn teimlo gwres duwioldeb Yn rhoi bywyd yn ei sain Am i Frenin tragwyddoldeb Brynu'r byd dan goron ddrain. Diosg wnaeth dragwyddol goron, Daeth o'i orsedd fawr i lawr Er mwyn agor i'w elynion Ffordd i'r nef o'r cystudd mawr; Wrth Ei draed anglion Gwynfa Daflent eu coronau cain, Ond ar fynydd bach Calfaria Wele Dduw dan goron ddrain. Dwyfol gariad at ddynoliaeth, Wisgodd y goronbleth ddu, A disgleiriodd iachawdwriaeth Yn y gwaed amlygodd hi; Ti, bechadur euog, ynfyd, Dod dy gleddyf yn dy wain, A chei goron hardd y bywyd Gan un wisgodd goron ddrain. Os rhaid croesi anial garw Cyn cyrhaeddyd nef y nef, Tynnwyd drain yr anial hwnnw I wneud coron iddo Ef; Ni gawn wisgo anfarwoldeb, Ac ni dderfydd dwyfol sain Pêr ganiadau tragwyddoldeb Am y groes a'r goron ddrain.Evan Rees (Dyfed) 1850-1923 [Mesur: 8787D] |
Easy for the creature's soul Is praising with zest, His praise is forever ascending About the news of divine grace; He is feeling the warmth of godliness Putting life into his sound About the King of eternity's Redeeming the world under a crown of thorns. Take off he did the eternal crown, Came down from his great throne In order to open to his enemies A way to heaven from the great tribulation; At His feet let the angels of Paradise Cast their intricate crowns, But on the little mount of Calvary See God under a crown of thorns. Divine love towards humanity, Who wore the black plaited crown, And salvation shone In the blood it made evident; Thou, foolish, guilty sinner, Put thy sword in thy sheath, And thou shalt get the beautiful crown of life From one who wore a crown of thorns. If we must cross a rough desert Before reaching the heaven of heaven, Thorns were taken from this desert To make a crown for Him; We may wear immortality, And the divine sound shall not pass away Of the sweet songs of eternity About the cross and the crown of thorns.tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion |