Heblaw dedwyddwch heddwch hir

(Duw yn Llawn Daioni)
Heblaw dedwyddwch heddwch hir,
  Mae'n llenwi'n tir ā lluniaeth;
Gan attal y tymhestloedd rhag
  Mawr guro ein magwraeth.

Mae'n trefnu brasder gwenith da
  I weinion a newynog,
Lle gwelo eisiau, diau daw,
  Agorai'i law drugarog.

Os haeddai fawl dragwyddawl gān,
  Gan luoedd glān goleuni,
Faint 'chwaneg genym ni'n ddinam,
  Sy'n ddynion, am ddaioni?
Edward Jones 1761-1836
Caniadau Maes y Plwm 1857

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(God as Full of Goodness)
Besides the happiness of long peace,
  He is filling the land with sustenance;
By stopping the tempests from
  Greatly beating our nurturing.

He is arranging the richness of good wheat
  For weak and starving ones,
Where he sees need, doubtless to come,
  He would open his merciful hand.

If he deserved the praise of an eternal song,
  From holy hosts of light,
How much more by us faultless,
  Who are men, for goodness?
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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