Hedd y blinedig

Rest of the weary

Hedd y blinedig,
    Cysur pur fron,
Gobaith yr unig,
    Llewyrch y llon,
  Cartref pererin,
      Nerth iddo fynd,
  Noddfa rhag drycin,
      Ceidwad a Ffrind!

Hoff fan i fwrw
    Fy mhwys a'm pen,
Tangef wrth farw,
    Bywyd nef wen,
  Llwybyr y llariaidd,
      Gwobrwy wrth fynd,
  Anadl y sanctaidd,
      Ceidwad a Ffrind.

Pan fwyf anniogel
    Clywi fy nghri,
Coron yr isel,
    Croes y gŵr hy,
  Pan gyfeilionaf
      Cymorth pryd hyn,
  Darian dirionaf,
      Geidwad a Ffrind!

Ti a arddelaf
    Tra byddwyf byw,
Ti a fendigaf
    Â diolch gwiw;
Ymgais fy mywyd,
  Ac ar ôl mynd -
Moli yng Ngwynfyd
  Geidwad a Ffrind!
cyf. Gwilym Lewis (Ap Gwilym Berw) 1845-1917

Tonau [5454D/9999]:
  Fortunatus (<1962)
Theodora (Alfred Legge 1843-1906)

Peace of the weary,
    Comfort of a pure breast,
Hope of the lonely,
    Brightness of the cheerful,
  Home of a pilgrim,
      Strength for him to go,
  A refuge against bad weather,
      A Saviour and a Friend!

A favoured place to cast
    My weight and my head,
Tranquility on dying,
    The life of bright heaven,
  The path of the gentle,
      Rewarding while going,
  The breath of the sacred,
      A Saviour and Friend.

When I am unsafe
    Thou hearest my cry,
The crown of the lowly,
    The cross of the proud man,
  When I stray
      A help then,
  The tenderest shield,
      A Saviour and Friend!

Thee I shall own
    While ever I live,
Thee I shall bless
    And give worthy thanks;
  The attempt of my life
      And after going -
  Praising in blessedness
      A Saviour and Fried!
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion
Rest of the weary,
    joy of the sad,
Hope of the dreary,
    light of the glad;
  Home of the stranger,
      strength to the end,
  Refuge from danger,
      Saviour and friend!

Pillow where lying,
    love rests its head,
Peace of the dying,
    life of the dead:
  Path of the lowly,
      prize at the end,
  Breath of the holy,
      Saviour and friend!

When my feet stumble,
    to Thee I'll cry,
Crown of the humble,
    cross of the high;
  When my steps wander,
      over me bend
  Truer and fonder,
      Saviour and friend!

Ever confessing Thee,
    I will raise
Unto Thee blessing,
    glory and praise:
  All my endeavour,
      world without end,
  Thine to be ever,
      Saviour and friend!
John Samuel Bewley Monsell 1811-75

Tunes [9999]:
St Cecilia (Frank Sewall 1837-1915)
Theodora (Alfred Legge 1843-1906)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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