Henffych well O hyfryd fore

(Geni Mair)
Henffych well, O hyfryd fore,
  Pryd y ganed annwyl Fair!
Hi etholwyd cyn yr oesoedd -
  Sanctaidd Fam y Dwyfol Air.
Llawenychwn am gyflawni
  Yr addewid am y Wraig -
Am ei had, ail Adda perffaith
  A ysigai ben y ddraig.

Henffych well, O faban tyner!
  Cyflawn wyt o'r Ysbryd Glān;
Boed i'r byd lon wenu arnat,
  Testun gwiw nefolaidd gān:
Rhag ei ddicter ni omeddi
  Ddilyn holl gynghorion Duw,
Nes cael Iesu yn Iachawdwr
  I gymodi fynol-ryw.

Henffych well, O Dduw goruchaf!
  Ti gei glod
      y ddaear gron;
Eiddot ti y gras a'r gallu
  Welir yn y Forwyn hon;
Byth ni phall dy Eglwys sanctaidd
  Barchu'n iawn fendigaid Fair,
A chyhoeddi ei rhagorfraint -
  Ymgnawdoliad pur y Gair.
Charles Alfred Howell Green 1864-1944

Tonau [8787D}:
Everton (Henry Smart 1813-79)
Lugano (Catholic Hymn Tunes 1849)
Towyn (David de Lloyd 1883-1948)
Werde Munter (Johann Schop 1590-1664)

(The Birth of Mary)
All hail, O delightful morning,
  When the beloved Mary was born!
She was chosen before the ages -
  The sacred mother of the divine Word.
Let us rejoice for the fulfilment
  Of the promise about the woman -
About her seed, a perfect second Adam
  Who would bruise the head of the dragon.

All hail, O tender baby!
  Full art thou of the Holy Spirit;
May the world smile cheerfully upon thee,
  The worthy theme of a heavenly song:
Lest he be angry thou wilt not refuse
  To follow all the counsels of God,
Until getting Jesus as a Saviour
  To reconcile human-kind.

All hail, O supreme God!
  Thou shalt get the acclaim
      of the round earth;
To thee belongs the grace and the power
  Seen in this Virgin;
Never shall thy sacred Church fail
  To revere aright the blessed Mary,
And to declare her privilege -
  The pure incarnation of the Word.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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