Hoff famau Caersalem ddygasant at yr Iesu

When mothers of Salem their children brought to Jesus

(Mamau Caersalem)
Hoff famau Caersalem
      ddygasant at yr Iesu
Eu plant anwylion o bob oed
      i dderbyn bendith bur;
  Atebodd Crist - "Os hoffant fyw
  Am dragwyddoldeb gyda Duw,
    Heddiw, blant bychain,
          O dowch ataf Fi."

Disgyblion yr Iesu,
      pan welsant blant yn dyfod,
Ddywedant wrtho Ef am droi
      o'r neilltu rhagddynt hwy:
  "O na!" medd Crist, â serchus drem,
  "Bum inna'n fach ym Methlehem:
    Heddiw, blant bychain,
          O dowch ataf Fi."

Ond plant y paganiaid
      ni chlywsant Ei leferydd,
'Does neb a ŵyr am Iesu Grist
      ymysg eu mamau hwy;
  O Gyfrol Santaidd, dos i'th daith,
  Mae'r Iesu'n glaw ymhob iaith -
    "Heddiw, blant bychain,
          O dowch ataf Fi."

Boed bendith y nefoedd
      ar lafur ein hathrawon,
A phlant Caersalem eto'n dod
      i freichiau Iesu Grist;
  Wrth yrru'r Beibl dros y don,
  Gweddïed plant yr Ynys hon -
    "Dysg ni, O Arglwydd,
          i dod atat Ti."
cyf. John Ceiriog Hughes (Ceiriog) 1832-87

Tôn: Salem (Liederbuch Methfessel 1818)

(The Mothers of Jerusalem)
The fond Mothers of Jerusalem
      brought to Jesus
Their dear children of every age
      to receive a pure blessing;
  Christ replied - "If they love to live
  For an eternity with God,
    Today, little children,
          O come unto me."

The disciples of Jesus,
      when they saw children coming,
They told him to turn
      aside from them:
  "O no!" said Christ, with a loving look,
  "I was little in Bethlehem:
    Today, little children,
          O come unto me."
But the children of the pagans
      never heard his speech,
No-one knows about Jesus Christ
      amongst their mothers;
  O Sacred Volume, go on thy journey,
  Jesus is calling in every language -
    "Today, little children,
          O come unto me."

May the blessing of heaven be
      upon the labour of our teachers,
And the children of Jerusalem still come
      to the arms of Jesus Christ;
  As the Bible drives across the wave,
  May the children of this Island pray -
    "Teach us, O Lord,
          to come unto Thee."
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion
When mothers of Salem
      Their children brought to Jesus,
The stern disciples drove them back
      And bade them to depart:
  But Jesus saw them ere they fled
  And sweetly smiled and kindly said,
    Suffer little children
          to come unto Me.

For I will receive them
      And fold them to My bosom:
I'll be a shepherd to these lambs,
      O drive them not away;
  For if their hearts to Me they give,
  They shall with Me in glory live:
    Suffer little children
          to come unto Me.

How kind was our Saviour
      To bid these children welcome!
But there are many thousands
      Who have never heard His name;
  The Bible they have never read,
  They know not that the Saviour said,
    Suffer little children
          to come unto Me.

O soon may the heathen
      Of every tribe and nation
Fulfil Thy blessèd Word and cast
      Their idols all away!
  O shine upon them from above
  And show Thyself a God of love,
    Teach the little children
          to come unto Thee!
1850 William Medlen Hutchings 1827-76

Tune: Salem (Methfessel's Liederbuch 1818)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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