Haul y cyfiawnder goda

Haul y cyfiawnder goda!
  Clywch lawen gân y byd:
Mwynder Ei wên ddifoda
  Drueni a thrais bob pryd.
Adar nos ddyrchrynant;
  Ffont o'i wydd bob un;
Iawnder a hedd dywynnant
  O'r nefoedd ar ddaear dyn.

Haul y cyfiawnder goda!
  Agor wna blodau moes:
Gwenau Ei lewyrch ddoda
  Fyw swyn ar ieuanc oes.
Gwened i'w troi yn ffrwythau
  Addfed cymeriad hael:
Pren cariad danynt hwythau
  A blyg at eisiau'r gwael!

Haul y cyfiawnder goda!
  Daear sy'n llawenhau:
Iechyd a hoen eheda
  O'i esgyll i'n bywhau:
Duw yn Ei anwyl wyneb
  Wena ar ddynol ryw;
Ninnau o gwsg marwoldeb
  A godwn i fythol fyw.
David Adams (Hawen) 1845-1923

Tôn [7676D]: Light of the World We Hail Thee (1880)

The Sun of righteousness arises!
  Hear ye the joyful song of the world:
The gentleness of His smile extinguishes
  Wretchedness and violence at every time.
The birds of night are terrified;
  They flee from his presence every one;
Right and peace shine
  From heaven on the earth of man.

The Sun of righteousness arises!
  Opening are the flowers of civility:
The smiles of his radiance put
  A lively charm on the young of the age.
May he smile to turn them into the mature
  Fruits of generous character:
The tree of love beneath them
  Shall bow to the needs of the poor!

The Sun of righteousness arises!
  Earth is rejoicing:
Health and liveliness flies
  From his wings to enliven us:
God in his dear face
  Smiles upon human kind;
And we from the sleep of mortality
  Shall arise to everlasting life.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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