Hedd a maddeuant gafwyd Yng ngwerthawr waed fy Nuw, Pan ar y groes ei hoeliwyd Am feiau dynol ryw: Cyfiawnder a foddlonwyd, A'r caethion roed yn rhydd, Y ddyled fawr a dalwyd, O caned perchen ffydd. Trwy ffydd yng ngwaed yr Iesu, Gorchfygodd Israel Duw Holl uffern ddu a'i gallu, Gelynion o bob rhyw: Bydd myrdd yn melus ganu Am werthfawr waed yr Oen, Yn nheyrnas y goleuni Dros byth mewn hyfryd hoen. O! werthfawr waed y cymmod, Gwaed Crist, yr Oen di-fai, Sy'n golchi ymaith bechod Yr holl grediniol rai; Mae'n eiriol dros droseddwyr Yng nghanol nefoedd fry, A Duw ei Hun yn gwneuthur Ei babell gyda ni. O! ddedwydd waredigion, Chwi blant y fendith fawr, Gwir ddinasyddion Sïon, Dyeithriaid ar y llawr, Cydseiniwch fawl Hosanna Dros byth mewn hedd a hoen, Gogoniant, Aleliwia Am werthfawr waed yr Oen!John Thomas 1730-1804? Tôn [7676D]: Whitford (J A Lloyd 1815-74) |
Peace and forgiveness were got In the the precious blood of my God, When on the cross he was nailed For the faults of human kind: Righteousness was satisfied, And the prisoners were set free, The great debt was paid, O let the possessor of faith sing. Through faith in the blood of Jesus, The Israel of God overcame The whole of black hell and its power, Enemies of every kind: A myriad will be sweetly singing About the precious blood of the Lamb, In the kingdom of light Forever in delightful joy. O the precious blood of the covenant! The blood of Christ, the faultless Lamb, Which is washing away the sin Of all the believing ones; He is interceding for transgressors In the centre of heaven above, And God Himself making His tent with us. O happy delivered ones! Ye children of the great blessing, The true citizens of Zion, Strangers on the earth, Sounding together the praise of Hosanna Forever in peace and joy, Glory, Hallelujah About the precious blood of the Lamb!tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion |