Heddiw llawenychwn

Heddiw llawenychwn,
  Na foed neb yn drist;
Mewn carolau seiniwn
  Foliant Iesu Grist:
Dyma ddydd ei eni,
  Heddiw daeth i'n byd;
Teilwng ydyw moli
  Uwch ei isel grud.

Heddiw ganed Ceidwad
  I holl ddynol-ryw,
Mewn ymddarostyngiad,
  Grist yr Arglwydd yw;
Dyna iaith angylion,
  Dyna iaith y nef
Wrth fugeiliaid tlodion
  Pryd y ganed ef.

Canu wnâi'r angylion,
  Canwn ninnau nawr,
Seinied telyn calon
  Glod i'w gariad mawr:
Iesu bendigedig
  Fyddo pwnc ein cân
Fore dydd Nadolig
  Yn ei Eglwys lan.
Robert Arthur Williams (Berw) 1854-1926

Tôn [6565D]:
Bethlehem (alaw Seisnig)
Cranham (Gustav Holst 1874-1934)

Today let us rejoice,
  Let no-one be sad;
In carols let us sound
  The praise of Jesus Christ:
This is the day of his birth,
  Today he came to our world;
Fitting it is to praise
  Above his lowly crib.

Today was is born a Saviour
  For all human-kind,
In self-abasement,
  Christ the Lord is;
There is the language of angels
  There is the language of heaven
By poor shepherds
  When he was born.

Sing would the angels,
  Let us too sing now,
Let the harp of the heart sound
  Acclaim to his great love:
May blessed Jesus
  Be the theme of our song
On Christmas morning
  In his holy Church.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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