Herod greulon pam yr ofni?

Why impious Herod shouldst thou fear? / Crudelis Herodes Deum

Herod greulon, pam yr ofni
  Eni Brenin Dwyfol draw?
Ni fyn ddaear -
    deil alluoedd
  Teyrnas nefoedd yn ei law.

Doethion, wrth oleuni seren,
  Chwilient am yr Heulwen wiw;
Hardd anghegion iddo ddygent,
  Ac addefent ef yn Dduw.

Oen y nefoedd, mewn modd ufudd,
  Cymerth fedydd yn y lli;
Nid am ddrwg a wnaeth ei hunan
  Ond er golchi'n hanian ni.

Parai wedyn nerth rhagorol,
  Rhyfedd oedd ei Ddwyfol rin,
Pryd y troes y dŵr yng Nghana
  Galilea i fod yn win.

Mawl it, Iesu, a ddangosodd
  I'r cenhedloedd pell dy wedd;
Mawl i'r Tad, a'r Sanctaidd Ysbryd,
  Drwy holl oesoedd
      bywyd hedd.
cyf. John Williams (Ab Ithel) 1811-62

Tonau [8787]:
    Gwilym (Owen Jones 1825-1900)
    Merton (W H Monk 1823-89)

gwelir: Doethion wrth oleuni seren

Cruel Herod, why dost thou fear
  The birth of the Divine King yonder?
The earth does not insist -
    he holds the powers
  Of the Kingdom of heaven in his hand.

Wise men, by the light of a star,
  Search for the worthy, bright Sun;
Beautiful gifts for him they bring,
  And they confess him as God.

The Lamb of heaven, in an obedient way,
  Underwent baptism in the flow;
Not for evil he himself did
  But in order to wash our nature.

Then excellent strength would persist,
  Wonderful was his Divine virtue,
When he turned the water in Cana
  Of Galilee to be wine.

Praise to thee, Jesus, who showed
  To the distant nations thy face;
Praise to the Father, and the Holy Spirit,
  Throughout all the ages
      of the life of peace.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
Why, impious Herod, shouldst thou fear
Because the Christ is come so near?
  He who doth
      heavenly kingdoms grant
  Thine earthly realm can never want.

Lo, sages from the East are gone
To where the star hath newly shone:
  Led on by light to Light they press,
  And by their gifts their God confess.

The Lamb of God is manifest
Again in Jordan's water blest,
  And He who sin had never known
  By washing hath our sins undone.

Yet He that ruleth everything
Can change the nature of the spring,
  And gives at Cana this for sign -
  The water reddens into wine.

Then glory, Lord, to Thee we pay
For thine Epiphany today;
  All glory through eternity
  To Father, Son,
      and Spirit be.
tr. Percy Dearmer 1867-1936

from the Latin
Crudelis Herodes Deum
Caelius Sedulius C5th

Tune [LM 8888]: St Venantius (Rouen church melody)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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