Hoff ferch y Brenhin glân o fewn

(Salm XLV. 13-15; Merch y Brenhin.)
Hoff ferch y Brenhin
    glân o fewn,
  Anrhydedd llawn sydd iddi;
A gwisg o aur a gemau glân
  Oddiallan sydd am dani.

Mewn gwaith gwe-nodwydd y daw hon,
  Yn wych ger bron ei Harglwydd:
Ac â'i gwŷryfon gyd â hi,
  Daw attat ti yn ebrwydd.

Ac mewn llawenydd mawr a hedd,
  Ac mewn gorfoledd dibrin,
Hwynthwy a ddeuant wrth eu gwŷs,
  I gyd i lys y Brenin.
Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

[Mesur: MS 8787]

gwelir: Clyw hyn O ferch a hefyd gwel

(Psalm 45:13-15 - The King's Daughter)
The favourite daughter of the King,
    pure within,
  Shall have full honour;
And clothing of gold and pure gems
  Outwardly shall be about her.

In work of needlecraft she shall come,
  Glorious before her Lord:
And with her maidens with her,
  She shall come before thee speedily.

And in great joy and peace,
  And in unstinting rejoicing,
They shall come at their summons,
  All into the King's court.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion
13 The King's fair daughter's
       beauteous soul
     all inward graces fill;
   Her raiment is of purest gold,,
     adorned with costly skill.

14 She, in her nuptial garments dressed,
     with needles richly wrought,
   Attended by her virgin train,
      shall to the King be brought.

15 With all the state of solemn joy
     the triumph moves along,
   Till with wide gates the royal court
     receives the pompous throng.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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