Holl amgylchiadau 'mywyd brau

Since all the downward tracts of time

(Lles ceryddon)
Holl amgylchiadau 'mywyd brau,
  Lwyr adwaen f'Arglwydd Dduw;
Ei gariad a'i ddoethineb Ef
  A'm tywys tra b'wyf byw.

Anfeidrol ddoeth, anfeidrol dda
  Yw Cyfaill f'enaid gwan;
Ymaith a phob gofalon blin -
  Duw yw 'nhragwyddol ran.

Aneirif ddoniau derbyn 'rwyf
  Oddiar ei dadol law;
A llym geryddon - llesol glwyf -
  Oddi wrtho Ef a ddaw.

Mewn cariad rhydd bob chwerw loes
  Er bythol hedd i mi;
Dan rith helbulon denfyn Ef
  Fendithion oddi fry.

Am hyn clodforaf enw'm Duw
  Trwy holl droadau'r llawr;
Croesawa'r groes tra byddwyf byw
  I ganlyn f'Arglwydd mawr.
tra b'wyf byw :: tra f'wi byw
Yw Cyfaill f'enaid :: Yw ffrynd fy enaid
Oddiar :: Oddi wrth
helbulon :: trialon
droadau :: troiadau
byddwyf :: fyddw'i

efel. Diferion y Cyssegr 1804

Tôn [MC 8686]: St Peter's (A R Reinagle 1799-1877)

gwelir: Anfeidrol ddoeth anfeidrol dda

(The benefit of chastisements)
All the circumstances of my fragile life,
  My Lord God knows completely;
His love and His wisdom
  Shall lead me while ever I live.

Immeasurably wise, immeasurably good
  Is the Friend of my weak soul;
Away with every wearisome grief -
  God is my eternal portion.

Innumerable gifts I shall receive
  From his paternal hand;
And sharp chastisements - beneficial injury -
  From Him shall come.

In love he gives each bitter anguish
  For the sake of eternal peace to me;
Under the form of troubles He will send
  Blessings from above.

Therefore I will extol the name of my God
  Through all the turnings of the earth;
I will welcome the cross while ever I live
  To follow my great Lord.

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

Since all the downward tracts of time
  God's watchful eye surveys,
O who so wise to choose our lot
  Or to appoint our ways?

Good when He gives, supremely good,
  Nor less when He denies;
E'en crosses from His sovereign hand
  Are blessings in disguise.

Why should we doubt a Father's love,
  So constant and so kind?
To His unerring, gracious will
  Be every wish resigned.

James Hervey 1714-58
Reflections from a Flower Garden 1746

Tune: Wiltshire (George T Smart 1776-1867)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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