Holl deyrnas fawr rhagluniaeth A roe's y Tad ei hun, A phob awdurdod ynddi, Yn nwylaw Mab y dyn; Ar bob rhyw greaduriaid, O'r ddaear lās i'r nen, I'w cynnal a'u rheoli, Gosodwyd ef yn ben. Tros luoedd mawrion nefoedd, A lluoedd daear gron, Awdurdod y Messiah Sy'n cyrhaedd oll o'r bron; Ac felly'r drom gre'digaeth Sydd ar ei ysgwydd gref; Cysondeb pob ysgogiad Oddi wrth eu fysedd ef. Paham na throf fy ngolwg, Fyth tua'r orsedd wen, Yn nghanol pob cynddaredd Wy'n weled is y nen; Fy Iesu sy'n rheoli Yr afreolus lu, O ddyfnder uffern isod, I uchder nefoedd fry. [Mesur: 7676D] |
All the great kingdom of providence That the Father himself gave, And every authority in it, In the hands of the Son of man; Over all kinds of creatures, From the blue-green earth to heaven, To uphold them and to rule them, He was set as head. Over the great hosts of heaven, And the hosts of round earth, 'Tis the authority of the Messiah That reaches all completely; And thus the heavy creation Is on his strong shoulders; The constancy of every movement From his own fingers. Why shall I not turn my view, Forever towards the white throne, In the center of every fury I am seeing below the sky; My Jesus is ruling The unruly host, From the depth of hell below, To the height of heaven above. tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion |