Holl lwythau Adda dowch

(Salm cxliv. 12,13.)
  Holl lwythau Adda dowch,
    Nef, dae'r, a'r moroedd maith,
  Mawl i'ch Creawdwr rho'wch
    Yn eich amrywiol iaith:
Angylaidd glân, y dysclaer lu,
Mewn bydoedd fry gwnewch ddechreu'r gân.

  Gwyryfon, llanciau llon,
    Ymrowch i'w foli ef;
  Plant bach, hen bobl o'r bron,
    'Rhai sydd â gwànach llef:
Trwy'i deyrnas faith boed bythol glân,
I'w enw glân gan bob rhyw iaith.

  Pob cenedl, ofnwch ŵg
    Y Duw sy'n llywio fry;
  Ei bobl yn agos dwg
    I brofi'i gariad cu;
Y ddae'r a'r nef ei foli maent,
A chwithau'r saint, bendithiwch ef.
cyf. Swp o Ffigys 1825
- - - - -

(Mawl y greadigaeth)
  Holl lwythau Adda dowch,
    Doed nef a daear faith,
  Mawl i'ch Creawdwr rho'wch
    Yn eich priodol iaith:
Y dysglaer lu, angylaidd, glân,
Mewn bydoedd fry gwnewch ddechreu'r gân.

  Yr haul â'i lewyrch cry',
    Y lloer i'r nos sy'n llyw,
  A'r ser gwreichionog fry,
    Yn unol molwch Dduw:
Eich defnydd wnaeth
      â'i air o'r nef,
O ddim y daeth i'w foli ef.

  Holl lwythau tir a môr,
    Molienwch Ior y nef;
  Gwynt, tarth, ac eira oer,
    Rho'wch barch i'w eirchion ef;
Daranau clau, pan ruoch draw,
A'r mellt wrth wau,
      rho'wch glod i'w law.
cyf. Casgliad Samuel Roberts 1841

Tonau [666688]:
    Lanhaden (<1825)
    Lennox (Lewis Edson 1748-1820)
    Portsmouth New (Rippon's Selection 1792)
    Trumpet (<1825)

gwelir: Freninoedd mawrion byd

(Psalm 144:12-13)
  All ye tribes of Adam, come,
    Heaven, earth, and the vast seas,
  Praise to your Creator render
    In your various languages:
Holy angels, a shining host,
In worlds above do ye begin the song.

  Virgins, cheerful lads,
    Give yourselves to praise him;
  Little children, old people entirely,
    Those who have a weaker cry;
Through his vast kingdom be an everlasting song
To his holy name by every kind of language.

  Every nation, fear ye the frown
    Of the God who is governing above;
  His people near he will bring
    To experience his dear love;
The earth and heaven praising him they are,
And ye saints too, bless him!
- - - - -

(The praise of the creation)
  All ye tribes of Adam, come,
    Let heaven and vast earth come,
  Praise to your Creator render
    In your own language:
The shining, angelic, holy host,
In worlds above do ye begin the song!

  The sun with its strong radiance,
    The moon which is a leader to the night,
  And the sparkling stars above,
    United praise ye God!
Your material, which he made
      with his word from heaven,
From nothing came to praise him.

  All tribes of land and sea,
    Praise ye the Lord of heaven;
  Wind, mist, and cold snow,
    Render reverence to his commands;
Swift thunders, when ye roar yonder,
And the lightning while weaving,
      render ye acclaim to his hand!
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
(Hymn 1:89
Youth and judgment, Eccles. 11. 9.)
1 Ye sons of Adam, vain and young,
Indulge your eyes, indulge your tongue,
Taste the delight your souls desire,
And give a loose to all your fire.

2 Pursue the pleasures ye design,
And cheer your hearts with songs and wine,
Enjoy the day of mirth; but know
There is a day of judgment too.

3 God from on high beholds your thoughts,
His book records your secret faults;
The works of darkness you have done
Must all appear before the sun.

4 The vengeance to your follies due
Should strike your hearts with terror thro':
How will ye stand before his face,
Or answer for his injur'd grace?

5 Almighty God, turn off their eyes
From these alluring vanities;
And let the thunder of thy word
Awake their souls to fear the Lord.
(Hymn 1:90
The same.)
1 Lo the young tribes of Adam rise,
And thro' all nature rove,
Fulfil the wishes of their eyes,
And taste the joys they love.

2 They give a loose to wild desires,
But let the sinners know,
The strict account that God requires
Of all the works they do.

3 The Judge prepares his throne on high,
The frighted earth and seas
Avoid the fury of his eye,
And flee before his face.

4 How shall I bear that dreadful day,
And stand the fiery test?
I give all mortal joys away
To be for ever blest.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Hymns and Spiritual Songs 1707
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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