Holl nerthoedd nef, angelion, saint, Tylwythau daear las, Cydgenwch newydd gân o fawl Am waredìgol ras. Y gras ymgronai'n fôr didrai Nes llenwi mynwes Duw, Cyn gosod seiliau bryniau'r byd, At euog ddynol ryw. Y gras anfonai'r Priod Fab I barthau isa'r llawr, I'n codi o'r dyfnderau i'r làn I wynfyd nefoedd fawr. Y gras a lifodd ar y pren Yn afon fawr ddidrai, I olchi ymaith feiau'r byd A chànu'r aflan rai. Pan ddelo'r brynedigol dorf Yn iach i ben eu taith, Eu cân fydd am achubol ras I drag'wyddoldeb maith.William Rees (Gwilym Hiraethog) 1802-83
Tonau [MC 8686]: |
All ye powers of heaven, angels, saints, Tribes of the blue-green earth, Sing together a new song of praise For delivering grace. The grace would collect as an unebbing sea Until filling the bosom of God, Before setting the foundations of the world, Towards guilty human-kind. The grace would send the Bride-groom To the lowliest regions of the earth, To raise us up from the depths To the bliss of great heaven. The grace which flowed on the tree As a great unebbing river, To wash away the faults of the world And bleach the unclean ones. When the redeemed throng comes Whole to the end of their journey, Their song will be about saving grace For a vast eternity.tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion |