Hosanna i'r Mab brenhinol ddaeth O hen Hiliogaeth Dafydd, Ei Berson un, ei Natur ddwy, Dirgelwch, pwy a'i 'nebydd? 'Nawr Gwreiddyn Dafydd yma'r un Yw a'i flaguryn uchel; Amser a Thrag'wyddoldeb sy' Yn Enw cu Immanuel. Bendithier ef, o'r Nef ddaeth â Newyddion da i'r Bobloedd Oedd mewn truenus Gyflwr trist, Hosanna i Grist hyd Nefoedd. Beth caned Dynion heb naccau Hosanna â'u Tafodau, Rhag codi fynu Greigiau a Main A thori'n Sain Caniadau.cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77 Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775 |
Hosannah to the royal Son who came From the old Line of David, His Person one, his Nature two, A mystery, who will know him? Now the Root of David here the same Is as his high shoot; Time and Eternity are In the dear Name of Immanuel. He is to be blessed, who from Heaven brought Good news to the Peoples Who were in a sad, wretched condition, Hosanna to Christ upto Heaven. Let Men sing a thing without refusal Hasannah with their Tongues, Lest Rocks and Stone rise up And break into Sound of Songs.tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion |
Hosanna to the royal Son Of David's ancient line, His natures two, his person one, Mysterious and divine. The root of David here we find, And offspring is the same; Eternity and time are join'd In our Immanuel's name. Bless'd he that comes to wretched men With peaceful news from heaven; Hosannas of the highest strain To Christ the Lord be given. Let mortals ne'er refuse to take Th' hosanna on their tongues, Lest rocks and stones should rise, and break Their silence into songs.Isaac Watts 1674-1748 Hymns and Spiritual Songs 1707 (Hymn 1:16)
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