Hwn ydyw dydd ein Harglwydd Dduw

En dies est Dominica

Hwn ydyw dydd ein Harglwydd Dduw,
Gwir deilwng o'n haddoliad yw;
  Hwn yw yr hyfryd ddedwydd dydd
  Y daeth ein Ior o'r bedd yn rhydd.

Mae adgyfodiad Crist ein Rhi
Yn ernes o'n dyrchafiad ni;
  A'r sawl a gredant ynddo Ef
  Gânt drwydded glir
      i deyrnas nef.

Mae purdeb a pharhâd mewn ffydd,
Mae dedwydd anfarwoldeb rhydd,
  Mae hedd, llawenydd, pur fwynhâd,
  Yn aros pawb yn nhŷ ein Tad.

Creawdwr holl dymmorau'r byd,
A gwir orphwysfa'r enaid drud;
  I Ti, dyrchefir
      clod dilyth,
  Y parch a'r bri
      tryw'r oesau byth.
cyf. Thomas Edwards (Gwynedd) 1844-1924

[Mesur: MH 8888]

This is the day of our Lord God,
Truly worthy of our worship he is;
  This is the delightful, happy day
  Our Master came free from the grave.

The resurrection of Christ our Chief is
The earnest of our raising;
  And those who believe in Him
  They get clear access
      to the kingdom of heaven.

There is purity and endurance in faith,
There is happy, free immortality,
  There is peace, joy, pure enjoyment,
  Awaiting all in the house of our Father.

The Creator of all the world's seasons,
And the true rest of the precious soul;
  To Thee, shall unfailing
      praise be raised,
  The reverence and the renown
      throughout the ages forever.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion
(Sabbath Day)
Again the Lord's own day is here,
The day to Christian people dear,
  As, week by week, it bids them tell
  How Jesus rose from death and hell.

For by his flock their Lord declared
His resurrection should be shared;
  And they who trust in Him to save
  In Him are risen
      from the grave.

Eternal glory, rest on high,
A blessed immortality,
  True peace and gladness, and a throne
  Are all his gifts, and all our own.

And therefore unto Thee we sing,
O Lord of Peace, Eternal King;
  Thy love we praise,
      Thy Name adore,
  Both on this day
      and evermore.
tr. John M Neale 1818-66

from the Latin
En dies est Dominica
Thomas a Kempis 1379-1471

Tunes [LM 8888]:
Church Triumpant (James W Elliott 1833-1915)
Philadelphia (Psalmist 1850)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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