Hwn ydyw'r dydd y c(')ododd Crist

1,2,3,4,(5),6;  1,2,4.
(Atgyfodiad Crist)
Hwn ydyw'r dydd y cododd Crist,
  Gan ddryllio pyrth y bedd;
O cyfod, f'enaid, na fydd drist,
  I edrych ar ei wedd.

Cyfodi wnaeth i'n cyfiawnhau,
  Bodlonodd ddeddf y nef;
Er maint ein pla, cawn lawenhau
  Mae'n bywyd ynddo Ef.

Gorchfygodd angau trwy ei nerth,
  Ysbeiliodd uffern gref; 
Ac annherfynol ydyw'r gwerth
  Gaed yn ei angau Ef.

Esgynnodd mewn gogoniant llawn
  Goruwch y nefoedd fry;
Ac yno mae,
    ar sail ei Iawn,
  Yn eiriol drosom ni.

Os gofyn pur gyfiawnder nef
  Am fywyd euog ddyn,
Fe ddengys Iesu drosto Ef
  Ei werthfawr waed Ei Hun.

Pob gallu llawn,
    drwy'r byd a'r nef,
  Sydd yn ei law yn awr;
Ni rwystra gallu uffern gref
  Ddibenion Iesu mawr.
Robert Owen (Eryron Gwyllt Walia) 1803-1870

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Abridge (Isaac Smith 1735-1800)
Bangor (alaw Gymreig)
Belgrave (William Horsley 1774-1858)
Blackbourne (Fesch)
  Cilfowyr (Y Parchg. Gwyn Thomas, Pwllheli)
Gloucester (Salmydd Ravencroft 1621)
Nativity (Henry Lahee 1826-1912)
Richmond (T Haweis 1734-1820)
St Agnes (J B Dykes 1823-76)
St Anne (William Croft 1678-1727)
St Nicholas (M Green)
St Stephen (William Jones 1726-1800)
Stracathro (Charles Hutcheson 1792-1860)

(The Resurrection of Christ)
This is the day on which Christ arose,
  Shattering the portals of the grave;
O arise, my soul, do not be sad,
  To look on his grave.

Rise he did to justify us,
  He satisfied the law of heaven;
Though great our plague, we may rejoice
  Our life is in Him.

He vanquished death through his strength,
  He plundered strong hell;
And boundless is the worth
  Which is had in His death.

He ascended in full glory
  High above the heavens above;
And there he is,
    on the basis of his Satisfaction,
  Pleading for us.

If the pure righteousness of heaven asks
  For the life of guilty man,
Jesus will show for His sake
  His own precious blood.

Every full power,
    throughout the world and heaven,
  Is in his hand now;
The power of strong hell will not frustrate
  The purposes of great Jesus.
tr. 2009,11 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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