Hwn yw gair y Duw trag'wyddol, O ysbrydol ddwyfol ddawn, Perlau gwerthfawr disglaer prydferth, Gemau Canaan yma cawn; Creadigaeth, cwymp dynoliaeth, Prynedigaeth odiaeth iawn, Wneir yn eglur i bechadur, Trwy'r Ysgrythyr, lythyr llawn. Yma rhedo'm myfyrdodau, Ar drysorau goreu'r gair; Grym ac iechyd i fy ysbryd, A bywiogrwydd i mi bair; Mi anturia'r oll a feddaf Ar y gair cadarnaf gwiw; Cwyd fi fyny, ceidw f'enaid, Mae fy nodded yn fy Nuw. anturiaf :: anturia'r fy meddwl gwan i fynu :: fy meddwl gwan i fynu [Mesur: 8787D] |
This is the word of the eternal God, From a spiritual, divine gift, Valuable, shining, beautiful pearls, The gems of Canaan here we may get; Creation, the fall of humanity, Very exceptional redemption, Made clear to a sinner, Through the Scripture, a full letter. Swiftly run my meditations, On the best treasures to be had; Strength and health to my spirit, And liveliness to be prepared for me; I will venture all I possess On the firmest, worthy word; It will raise me up, it will keep my soul, My refuge is in my God. :: me up, it will keep my soul :: my weak thought up tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion |