Hwn yw gair y Duw tra'wyddol

(Ei gyflawnder)
Hwn yw gair y Duw trag'wyddol,
  O ysbrydol ddwyfol ddawn,
Perlau gwerthfawr disglaer prydferth,
  Gemau Canaan yma cawn;
Creadigaeth, cwymp dynoliaeth,
  Prynedigaeth odiaeth iawn,
Wneir yn eglur i bechadur,
  Trwy'r Ysgrythyr, lythyr llawn.

Yma rhedo'm myfyrdodau,
  Ar drysorau goreu'r gair;
Grym ac iechyd i fy ysbryd,
  A bywiogrwydd i mi bair;
Mi anturia'r oll a feddaf
  Ar y gair cadarnaf gwiw;
Cwyd fi fyny, ceidw f'enaid,
  Mae fy nodded yn fy Nuw.
Yma rhedo'm myfyrdodau :: Cyflym rhedo 'myfyrdodau
anturiaf :: anturia'r
fy meddwl gwan i fynu :: fy meddwl gwan i fynu

Y Salmydd Cymreig 1854

[Mesur: 8787D]

(His fullness)
This is the word of the eternal God,
  From a spiritual, divine gift,
Valuable, shining, beautiful pearls,
  The gems of Canaan here we may get;
Creation, the fall of humanity,
  Very exceptional redemption,
Made clear to a sinner,
  Through the Scripture, a full letter.

Swiftly run my meditations,
  On the best treasures to be had;
Strength and health to my spirit,
  And liveliness to be prepared for me;
I will venture all I possess
  On the firmest, worthy word;
It will raise me up, it will keep my soul,
  My refuge is in my God.
Here run my meditations :: Swiftly run my meditations
me up, it will keep my soul :: my weak thought up

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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