Hyfryd yw'r son gan ein Tad o'r nef

I am so glad that our Father in Heav'n

Hyfryd yw'r son,
    gan ein Tad o'r nef,
Am gariad a gras, yn ei Feibil ef;
  Rhyfedd, a rhyfedd
      yw'r oll heb ri',
  Rhyfeddaf fod Iesu'n fy ngharu i.

    Da genyf son, fod Iesu'n fy ngharu i,
      Mae Iesu'n fy ngharu i,
          yn fy ngharu i,
    Da genyf son, fod Iesu'n fy ngharu i,
      Mae Iesu'n fy ngharu i, ie fi.

Er im ei adael
    a llwyr bellhau,
Mae cariad ei fynwes i mi'n parhau;
  Eto i'w freichiau dychwelaf fi
  Pan gofiaf fod Iesu'n fy ngharu i.

Os na fyn f'enaid un gan ond un
I'm Brenin pan welaf ef yno'i hun,
  Hon fydd fy nghân
      yn y nefoedd fry:-
  "O ryfedd fod Iesu'n gy ngharu i."

Caru'r wyf finau fy Iesu mawr,
A ddaeth i'm gwaredu
    o'r nef i lawr;
  Cariad a'i hoeliodd
      ar Galfari;
  Mae'n siwr fod yr Iesu'n fy ngharu i.

Dyfnder ei gariad
    a nerth ei ras
Nis gellir eu gosod mewn iaith i maes;
  Ysbryd yr Iesu a'm hysbryd i
  Gyd-ddwedant fod Iesu'n fy ngharu i.

Hedd a gorphwysfa gaf yma'n llawn,
Wrth bwyso ar Iesu 'rwy'n ddedwydd iawn;
  Satan siomedig
      oddiwrthyf ffy,
  Pan ddwedaf fod Iesu'n fy ngharu i.
efel. John Roberts (Ieuan Gwyllt) 1822-77

Tôn: Jesus loves even me (Philip Paul Bliss 1838-76)

Delightful is the telling,
    by our Father from heaven,
About love and grace, yn his Bible;
  Wonderful, and wonderful
      is the all without number,
  Wonderful that Jesus loves me.

    I like telling, that Jesus loves me,
      Jesus loves me,
          loves me,
    I like telling, that Jesus loves me,
      Jesus loves me, yes me.

Although I leave him and
    completely distance myself,
The love of his breast endures for me;
  Again to his arms I return
  When I remember that Jesus loves me.

If my soul were to repeat only one song
To my King when I see him there himself,
  This will be my song
      in the heavens above:-
  "Oh wonderful that Jesus loves me."

As for me, I shall love my great Jesus,
Who to deliver me came
    from heaven to earth;
  Love it was
      that nailed him on Calvary;
  It is certain that Jesus loves me.

The depth of his love
    and the strength of his grace
Cannot be set forth in language;
  The Spirit of Jesus and my spirit
  Jointly say that Jesus loves me.

Peace and rest I may get here fully,
While leaning on Jesus I am very happy;
  Satan disappointed
      from me shall flee,
  When I say that Jesus loves me.
tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion
I am so glad
    that our Father in Heav'n
Tells of His love in the Book He has giv'n;
  Wonderful things
      in the Bible I see,
  This is the dearest, that Jesus loves me.

    I am so glad that Jesus loves me,
      Jesus loves me,
          Jesus loves me.
    I am so glad that Jesus loves me,
      Jesus loves even me.

Though I forget Him,
    and wander away,
Still He doth love me wherever I stray;
  Back to His dear loving arms I do flee,
  When I remember that Jesus loves me.

Oh, if there's only one song I can sing,
When in His beauty I see the great King,
  This shall my song
      through eternity be,
  "Oh, what a wonder that Jesus loves me!"

Jesus loves me, and I know I love Him;
Love brought Him down
    my poor soul to redeem;
  Yes, it was love
      made Him die on the tree;
  Oh, I am certain that Jesus loves me!

If one should ask of me,
    how can I tell?
Glory to Jesus, I know very well!
  God's Holy Spirit with mine doth agree,
  Constantly witnessing Jesus loves me.

In this assurance I find sweetest rest,
Trusting in Jesus, I know I am blessed;
  Satan, dismayed,
      from my soul now doth flee,
  When I just tell him that Jesus loves me.
1870 Philip Paul Bliss 1838-76

Tune: Jesus loves even me (Philip Paul Bliss 1838-76)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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