I Bethlem awn trwy ffydd

(Dydd Nodolig Crist)
I Bethlem awn trwy ffydd
  I weled dydd ein Duw:
Y dydd y ganwyd Iesu cu,
  Dydd i'w fawrygu yw.

Ond p'le mae Crist i'w gael,
  Iachawdwr hael y byd?
Yn llety yr anifail gwael,
  A phreseb yw Ei gryd!

O! doed yn rhwydd bob rhai,
  A'u tannau yn gytun;
I'r Iesu'n glau rhoent felus glod,
  Am ddod yn Geidwad dyn.
Roger Edwards 1811-86

Tôn [MB 6686]:
Carlisle (Charles Lockhart 1744-1814)

(The Day of the Nativity of Christ)
To Bethlehem let us go through faith
  To see the day of our God:
The day on which dear Jesus was born,
  A day to magnify him it is.

But where is Christ to be found,
  The generous Saviour of the world?
In the lodgings of the base animals,
  And a manger is His crib!

O let everyone come freely,
  With their strings in harmony;
To Jesus swiftly let them render sweet praise,
  For coming as the Saviour of man.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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