I dawel lwybrau gweddi

(Llwybrau Gweddi)
I dawel lwybrau gweddi,
  O Arglwydd, arwain fi,
Rhag imi gael nhwyllo
  Gan ddim daearol fri:
Mae munud yn dy gwmni
  Yn newid gwerth y byd
Yn agos iawn i’th feddwl
  O cadw fi o hyd.

Pan weli fy amynedd,
  O Arglwydd, yn byrhau;
Pan weli fod fy mhryder
  Dros ddynion yn lleihau;
Rhag im, er maint fy mreintiau
  Dristáu dy Ysbryd di,
I dawel lwybrau gweddi
  Yn fynych arwain fi.

Pan fyddo achos Iesu
  Yn eiddil a di-glod
Pan losgo’r lamp yn isel
  Wrth ddisgwyl iddo ddod
A thwrf y rhai annuwiol
  Fel sŵn ystormus li,
Ar dawel lwybrau gweddi
  O cadw, cadw fi.
Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953
Telyn y Cristion 1903

Tonau [7676D}:
Abertawe (Les Pseaumes de David)
Whitford (J A Lloyd 1815-74)
Wilton Square (Megan W Hughes 1842-1907)

(The Paths of Prayer)
To the quiet paths of prayer,
  O Lord, lead me,
Lest I get deceived
  By any earthly fame:
A minute in thy company is
  Changing the worth of the world
Very near to thy thought
  O keep me always.

When thou seest my patience,
  O Lord, growing short;
When thou seest that my concern
  For men is decreasing;
Lest I, despite how great my privileges,
  Sadden thy Spirit,
To the quiet paths of prayer
  Often lead me.

When the cause of Jesus be
  Feeble and unrespected
When the lamp burns low
  While waiting for him to come
And the throng of the ungodly ones
  Like the noise of a stormy flood,
On the quiet paths of prayer
  O keep, keep thou me.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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