I Dduw'r anfarwol Dad

To God the Father's love

(Y Drindod mewn Undod)
  I Dduw'r anfarwol Dad
    Rhown fawl â llafar lef;
  Am oll fwynhâwn yn awr,
    A'n gobaith am y nef:
Anfonodd ef ei Fab ei hun
I farw dros bechodau dyn.

  I Dduw'r tragwyddol Fab,
    Boed moliant fyth heb drai;
  Fe'n prynodd ni â'i waed,
    Fe'n ceidw ni rhag gwae:
Ar orsedd nef teyrnasa 'nawr,
Gan weled ffrwyth ei lafur mawr.

  I Dduw yr Yspryd Glân,
    Rhown oll ogoniant gwiw;
  O'i allu mawr a'i ras,
    Gwna'r enaid marw'n fyw;
Cwblhâu mae'r gwaith ddechreuodd Crist,
Ac estyn hedd i'r enaid trist.

  Rhoer byth trwy'r dda'r a'r nen,
    Anfarwol fawl i ti,
  Dad, Mab, ac Yspryd Glân,
    Drag'wyddol Un a Thri:
Sef Duw ein iechydwriaeth gref,
A'n dwg o'r byd
      i deyrnas nef.
Cwblhâu mae'r gwaith :: Gorphena'r gwaith

cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Casgliad o Salmau a Hymnau (Daniel Rees) 1831

Tonau [666688]:
Christchurch (Charles H Steggall 1826-1905)
Haddam (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)

(The Trinity in Unity)
  To God the immortal Father
    Let us render praise with a loud voice;
  For all we enjoy now,
    And our hopes for heaven:
He send his own Son
To die for the sins of man.

  To God the eternal Son,
    Be praise forever without ebbing;
  He redeemed us with his blood,
    He will keep us from woe:
On the throne of heaven he reigns now,
While seeing the fruit of his great labour.

  To God the Holy Spirit,
    Let us all render worthy glory;
  Of his great power and his grace,
    He makes the dead soul alive;
He completes the work Christ began,
And extends peace to the sad soul.

  Forever throughout the earth and the sky,
    Let immortal praise be given to thee,
  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
    Eternal One and Three:
That is, God of our strong salvation,
Who leads us from the world
      to the kingdom of heaven.
He completes the work :: He finishes the work

tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

  We give immortal praise
    To God the Father's love,
  For all our comforts here,
    And better hopes above;
He sent His own eternal Son,
To die for sins that man had done.

  To God the Son belongs
    Immortal glory too,
  Who bought us with His blood
    From everlasting woe:
And now He lives, and now He reigns,
And sees the fruit of all His pains.

  To God the Spirit's name
    Immortal worship give,
  Whose new-creating power
    Makes the dead sinner live;
His work completes the great design,
And fills the soul with joy divine.

  Almighty God, to Thee
    Be endless honours done,
  The undivided Three,
    And the mysterious One:
Where reason fails, with all her powers,
There faith prevails,
      and love adores.

Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Hymns and Spiritual Songs 1709

Tunes [666688]:
Croft's 136th (William Croft 1678-1727
Darwall's 148th (John Darwall 1731-89)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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