I ennill f'enaid gwiw

My worthless heart to gain

I ennill f'enaid gwiw,
  Y daeth fy Nuw yn ddyn;
Ac yn fy lle bu farw a byw,
  Rhyfeddol yw am hyn!
Myfi ni's gallaf mwy
  Ymgadw'n hwy heb roi,
Fy 'chydig oll, i'w farwol glwy,
  O'm calon 'rwy'n ymroi.

'Rwy'n rhoi fy hun yn lān
  A'r cyfan iddo ef;
Mae f'enaid gwan, yn toddi dan,
  Ei drīst a'i chwerw lef:
O Dduw meddianna'n glau
  Cynheddfau f'enaid trīst;
A boed im' calon byth barhau
  Y'nghlwyfau Iesu Grist.
efel. John Hughes 1776-1843
Diferion y Cyssegr 1802

[Mesur: MBD 6686D]

To win my worthy soul,
  My God became a man;
And in my place he died and lives,
  Wonderful he is for this!
But I can no more
  Keep myself any longer from giving, 
My little all, to his mortal wound,
  From my heart I am devoting.

I am giving my self completely
  And the whole to him;
My weak soul is melting under
  His sad and bitter cry:
O God possess securly
  The faculties of my sad soul;
And may my heart be forever enduring
  In the wounds of Jesus Christ.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
My worthless heart to gain,
  The God of all that breathe
Was found in fashion as a man,
  And died a cursed death.
And can I yet delay
  My little all to give
To tear my soul from earth away,
  For Jesus to receive?

Lord, at thy feet I fall!
  I groan to be set free;
I fain would now obey the call,
  And give up all for thee.
Nay, but I yield, I yield!
  I can hold out no more,
I sink, by dying love compelled,
  And own thee conqueror.
When shall thy love constrain?

Charles Wesley 1707-88

Tunes [SM 6686]:
Richmond (anonymous)
Shirland (Samuel Stanley 1767-1822)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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