I enw'th Dad Iesu rhown foliant bob rhai

Jesus we bless thy Father's name

(Gras yn ethol - Eph.i.3.)
I enw'th Dad, Iesu,
    rhown foliant bob rhai,
Dy Dduw, a'n Duw ninnau'r
    un ydynt eich dau;
  Pa werthfawr fendithion
      ddaw'n union o'r nef,
  I ni bechaduriaid trwy'i dirion Fab ef?

Fy mbrif etholedig sydd Crist,
    medd y Tad,
Ac yn ein Pen Iesu ein dewis a wna'd
  Cyn dwyn y mynyddau
      a'r bryniau o'u bru,
  Neu osod sylfeini
      i'r ddaear oer ddu.

Fel hyn bythol gariad
    ddechreuodd yn Nuw,
I'n codi o farwolaeth a phechod i fyw;
  Ein henwau ordeiniwyd
      bryd hyn gan y Tad,
  Difeius mewn cariad,
      yn sanctaidd bur had.

Rhagluniwyd ni fod
    iddo'n feibion cyn byd,
Fe'n ganed yn raddol,
    dewiswyd ni 'nghyd;
  Ac fe'n hadgenhedlwyd o newydd i fyw,
  I foli'n wastadol
      ogoniant gras Duw.

Ni gawn gyd â'n Harglwydd
    ran hylwydd yn rhad
Yn 'wyllys a chariad
    mwyn tirion y Tad;
  Ni thynnir ni oddi yno,
      mae'n henaid ynglyn,
  Ne's byddo'n anghofio'i
      Fab anwyl ei hun.
cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775


(Grace electing - Eph 1:3)
To thy Father's name, Jesus,
    let us give praise of every kind,
Thy God, and our God
    the same are they both;
  What precious blessings
      come straight from heaven,
  To us sinners through his tender Son?

My chief chosen one is Christ,
    says the Father,
And in our Head Jesus our election was made
  Before bringing the mountains
      and the hills from their womb,
  Or setting foundations
      for the cold black earth.

Thus it was everlasting love
    that began in God,
To raise us from death and sin to live;
  Our names were ordained
      then by the Father,
  Faultless in love,
      as holy pure seed.

It was provided for us to be
    his sons before the world,
He birthed us gradually,
    we were chosen all together;
  And we were regenerated anew to live,
  To praise constantly
      the glory of God's grace.

We may get with our Lord
    a prosperous part freely
In the tender, gentle
    will and love of the Father;
  We are not to be pulled from there,
      our soul is tied,
  Until he forgets his
      own dear Son himself.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion
Jesus, we bless
    thy Father's name;
Thy God and ours
    are both the same;
  What heav'nly blessings
      from his throne
  Flow down to sinners through his Son!

"Christ be my first elect,"
    he said,
Then chose our souls in Christ our head,
  Before he gave
      the mountains birth,
  Or laid foundations
      for the earth.

Thus did eternal
    love begin
To raise us up from death and sin;
  Our characters
      were then decreed,
  "Blameless in love,
      a holy seed."

    to be sons,
Born by degrees,
    but chose at once,
  A new regenerated race,
  To praise the glory
      of his grace.

With Christ our Lord
    we share our part
In the affections
    of his heart;
  Nor shall our souls
      be thence removed,
  Till he forgets
      his first-beloved.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748

[Mesur: MH 8888]

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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