I'r nefoedd fry'r aeth Iesu gwiw

1+2;  1,2,3,4,6,7;  1,2,3,5,6;  1,3,4,5,6,7.
(Ffordd y ffyddloniaid)
I'r nefoedd fry'r aeth Iesu gwiw,
Ynddo gobeithiodd Israel Duw,
  Palmantodd ffordd i'r enaid blin
  O'r ddae'r i fyny ato'i hun.

Y ffordd yr aeth prophwydi 'mlaen,
A'r mil myrddiynau
    fu'n y tân;
  Sŵn torf aneirif
      eilwaith cawn
  Ni glywed arni'n beraidd iawn.

Ffordd sanctaidd, bur, heb och na gwae,
Nas teithia neb annuwiol rai;
  Gormesol ddyn 'rhyd hon ni ddaw,
  A llew nis dring
      i'r nefoedd draw.

Crediniol ryw a gafodd ras,
O'r cystudd mawr i dd'od i maes,
  Yw'r gwaredigion mwynion cu,
  Sy'n ffoi 'rhyd ffordd
      Caersalem fry.

Y pererinion glewion, glân,
Nid ofnant byth na dŵr na thân,
  Dieithriaid ar y ddaear ddu
  Sy'n teithio
      tu'a'r Ganaan fry.

A phe ynfydion fyddent hwy,
Ni chaent ddim cyfeiliorni mwy;
  Hwy ânt yn mlaen,
      trwy rin y gwaed,
  Nes dod dan wlith
      yr hyfryd wlad.

Fy Nghrist yw'r drws i'r nefoedd draw,
A'm seren dêg, i'm harwain daw;
  Ysgol fy Nuw
      o'r ddae'r i'r nen,
  I ddringo o'r llawr
      tu fewn i'r llen.
Palmantodd ffordd i'r enaid blin ::        
        Ac fe balmentodd ffordd ddigryn

William Williams 1717-91
Aleluia 1749

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Caernarfon (<1869)
Lancaster (1868)
Milgrove (<1811)
Oswestry (Samuel Stanley 1767-1822)

Tôn [MHD 8888D]:
Milan (<1875)

(The way of the faithful)
To heaven above went worthy Jesus,
In him the Israel of God hoped,
  He paved a way for the weary soul
  From the earth up to him himself.

The way the prophets went along,
And the thousand myriads
    who were in the fire;
  The sound of an innumerable throng
      again we may get
  Never heard upon it very sweetly.

A holy, pure way, without groan or woe,
That no ungodly sort shall travel;
  No oppressive man shall come along it,
  And no lion shall climb
      to yonder heaven.

The believing kind who got grace,
From the great tribulation to come out,
  Are the dear, fond delivered ones,
  Who are fleeing along the road
      of Jerusalem above.

The valiant, holy pilgrims
Shall never fear either water or fire,
  Strangers on the black earth
  Who are travelling
      towards the Canaan above.

And if they were fools,
They shall get to wander no more;
  They shall go forward,
      through the merit of the blood,
  Until coming under the dew
      of the delightful land.

My Christ is the door to yonder heaven,
And my fair star, coming to lead me;
  The ladder of my God
      from the earth to the sky,
  To climb from the ground
      within the curtain.
He paved a way for the weary soul ::        
        And he paved an unshakeable way

tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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