I'r mynydd trwy rad

The voice of free grace cries

(Christ yn Ffynnon)
I'r mynydd trwy rad,
  Mae'n galw plant dynion,
I Adda a'i holl hâd
  Fe 'gorodd y Ffynon,
I bechod, aflendid,
  A phob anwireddau,
Dyoddefodd fawr benyd,
  A'i holl waed yn ffrydiau:

    Haleluia i'r Oen
      am brynu maddeuant,
    Pan elom i'r nef ni a'i
      molwn mewn mwyniant.

Mae'r dyfroedd mor rhad,
  Geill pawb gael trugaredd,
Trwy'r Iesu a'i waed
  Mae'r ffordd i anrhydedd;
Er i bechod fel mynydd
  I wasgu pechadur,
Gwaed Crist ein Penllywydd
  Yn ei galon rydd gysur:

Ar angeu a'i glêdd,
  Mae Crist yn orchfygwr,
Mae pechod a'r bedd
  Tan draed ein Hachubwr,
Ymddiried bechadur -
  Â'th fawrion bechodau,
Y' Nghrist 'fe'th waredir,
  Rhag uffern a'i phoenau.

Mae enw Mab Duw
  Trwy'r byd yn foliannus;
Ei deyrnas râd yw,
  Yn dra gogoneddus;
Ffyddloniad ei deyrnas,
  Y fawr gynnulleidfa
Folianant ei Brenhin
  Gan weiddi Hosanna.

'Rol cyrraed y tir,
  A sefyll ar Seion,
Ni 'ganwn yn wir
  Ar hyd glan yr afon;
Mewn gwisgoedd a phalmwydd
  Cawn weled ei wyneb
Clodforwn yr Arglwydd
  Dros faith drag'wyddoldeb.
cyf. John Hughes 1776-1843
Diferion y Cyssegr 1804

Tonau [5656T]:
  Brook Hill (<1825)
  Close (<1825)

  Aed enw Mab Duw trwy'r byd yn foliannus

(Christ as a Fount)
To the mountain through grace,
  He is calling the children of men,
For Adam and all his seed
  He opened the Well,
For sin, uncleanness,
  And all untruthfulness,
He suffered a great penalty,
  With all his blood as streams:

    Hallelujah to the Lamb
      for purchasing forgiveness,
    When we go to heaven we shall
      praise in enjoyment.

The waters are so free,
  All may get mercy,
Through Jesus and his blood
  There is the way to honour;
Although sin be like a mountain
  To press a sinner,
The blood of Christ our Head-leader
  In his heart puts comfort:

Over death with his sword,
  Christ is an overcomer,
Sin and the grave are
  Under our Rescuer's feet,
Trust, thou sinner,
  With thy great sins,
In Christ who will deliver thee,
  From hell and its pains.

The name of the Son of God is
  Throughout the world praiseworthy;
His gracious kingdom is,
  So glorious;
The faithful ones of his kingdom,
  The great congregation,
Praise their King
  By shouting Hosanna.

After reaching the land,
  And standing on Zion,
We shall sing truly
  Along the river bank;
In garments with palms
  We shall get to see his face,
We shall extol the Lord
  For a vast eternity.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion
The voice of free grace cries,
  "Escape to the mountain;
For Adam's lost race
  Christ hath opened a fountain:
For sin and uncleanness,
  And every transgression,
His blood flows most freely,
  In streams of salvation."

    Hallelujah to the Lamb,
      who has purchased our pardon!
    We will praise Him again
      when we pass over Jordan.

Now glory to God
  In the highest is given;

Now glory to God
  Is re-echoed in Heaven;

Around the whole earth
  Let us tell the glad story,

And sing of His love,
  His salvation and glory.

O Jesus, ride on -
  Thy kingdom is glorious;
O'er sin, death and hell,
  Thou wilt make us victorious:
Thy name shall be praised
  In the great congregation,
And saints shall ascribe
  Unto Thee their salvation.

When on Zion we stand,
  Having gained the blest shore,
With our harps in our hands,
  We will praise evermore;
We'll range the blest fields
  On the banks of the river,
And sing of redemption
  Forever and ever.
Richard Bursdall 1735-1824

Tunes [12.12.T]:
Free Grace (1912 J Kidd)
Scotland (John Clarke 1770-1836)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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