I'r nefoedd 'heded clodydd glân

(Darostyngiad Duw at ein byd pechadurus ni)
I'r nefoedd 'heded clodydd glân
  I'n Prynwr gyda brys;
Ei ymostyngiad, O mor fawr!
  Pan deuai lawr o'i lys.

Ymostwng mae e'n fawr
  I sylwi ar engyl nef;
Er hyny 'i ofal sydd dros ddyn,
  Er maint ei ddrygau ef.

Ei air sy'n ddigon cry'
  I drechu dyfroedd môr;
Neu ddryllio'r cyfan ag a wnaeth
  Mewn mynyd, geill ein Hiôr.

Ond ei dosturi sydd
  At ddynion gwael eu rhyw;
A rhoddi iddynt wrth eu rhaid
  Yn rhyfedd iawn mae Duw.

Eu dagrau sychir oll
  Gan dirion law eu Tad;
Nid â ochenaid byth ar goll,
  Ond cânt y fendith rad.

Boed i ni godi'n llef
  Hyd byrth Caersalem wen;
Er cymysg â thrigolion nef,
  A moli mwy, Amen.
Crynhodeb o Hymnau Cristnogol (Daniel Jones) 1845

[Mesur: MB 6686]

(The humbling of God towards our sinful world)
To heaven let holy praises fly
  To our Redeemer with haste;
His humbling of himself, O how great!
  When he came down from his court.

Self-humbling it is great
  To the notice of the angels of heaven;
Despite this his care is for man,
  Although so great his evils.

His word is strong enough
  To overcome the waters of the sea;
Or smash the whole that he made
  In a minute, could our Lord.

But his mercy is
  Toward men of a base sort;
And giving to them at need
  Very wonderfully is God.

Their tears shall all be dried
  By the tender hand of their Father;
No groan shall ever be lost,
  But they shall get the gracious blessing.

Let us raise our cry
  To the portals of blessed Jerusalem;
To mix with the residents of heaven,
  And praise forever, Amen.
tr. 2022 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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