I wasanaeth priodasol

I wasanaeth priodasol,
  Tyred atom Arglwydd mawr;
Dyro fendith ar y ddeuddyn,
  Sy'n ymgrymu yma'n awr.
Boed y llw a wnant wrth wisgo,
  Modrwy y cyfamod gwyn
Gadw'u ffydd yn gryf a chadarn,
  A'u serchiadau fyth yn dyn.

Dysg hwy barchu'r pethau gorau,
  Wrth ymlwybro drwy y byd;
Cadw'u golwg ar yr Iesu,
  'R hwn sy'n dal yr un o hyd.
Os ddaw stormydd i'w cyfarfod,
  Ni ddaw iddynt unrhyw fraw;
Teithio wnant ymlaen yn llawen,
  Wrth ymaflyd yn dy law.
Morgan Rees 1917-1996
trwy ganiatâd  |  used by permission

Tôn [8787D]: Converse
    (Charles C Converse 1832-1918)

To a marriage service,
  Come to us, great Lord;
Give a blessing on the two persons,
  Who are bowing here now.
May the oath they make by wearing,
  The ring of the blessed covenant
Keep their faith strong and firm,
  And their affections forever tight.

Teach them to respect the best things,
  While making their way through the world;
Keep their gaze upon Jesus,
  Him who remains the same always.
If storms come to meet them,
  No terror shall come to them;
They shall travel on joyfully,
  By taking hold of thy hand.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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