Iehofa/Jehofa sy'n teyrnasu

The Lord Jehovah reigns

(Mawredd a gras Duw)
Jehofa sy'n teyrnasu, 
  Ei orsedd uchel yw,
Goleuni a mawrhydi
  Yw gwisgoedd hardd ein Duw:
Dysgleirdeb ei ogoniant
  Dywyna maes mor glir,
Nas dichon undyn oddef
  Yr olwg arno'n wir.

Ei ddychrynfeydd sy'n cadw
  Y byd mewn ofnau prudd,
A gwylio mae'i gyfiawnder
  Ei gyfraith lân ddi-ludd;
Ei gariad sy'n datguddio
  Ei wyneb mwyn i ma's.
Ei wir ef a'i addewid
  Sy'n selio ini ei ras.

Llewyrchu mae'i ddoethineb
  Trwy ei holl waith i ma's,
A satan mae yn siomi
  O'i holl amcanion cas;
Ei allu sydd oruchaf
  I wneuthur a chwblhau'
Gynghorion ardderchocaf,
  Ei 'wyllyw ef yn glau.

A 'mostwng Ef mor isel,
  Ior gogoneddus mawr,
A d'od yn Dad a Chyfaill
  I bryfyn gwael y llawr!
Ei enw gydfolianaf
  A'r holl angylion gwiw;
Mae'r nefoedd i mi'n sicr,
  Os wyf yn eiddo Duw.
cyf. Swp o Ffigys 1825

Tonau [7676D]:
Culmstock (<1825)
  St David's (<1825)
St Thomas's (<1825)

gwelir: Iehofa/Jehofa'n Frenin sy

(The greatness and grace of God)
Jehovah is reigning,
  His throne is high,
Light and majesty
  Are the beautiful garments of our God:
The radiance of his glory
  Shines out so clearly,
No man is sufficient to endure
  The gaze upon him truly.

His terrors are keeping
  The world is solemn fears,
And watching is his righteousness
  His holy, untiring law;
His love is revealing
  His dear face openly.
His truth and his promise
  Are sealing to us his grace.

Gleaming is his wisdom
  Out through all his work,
And Satan is being disappointed
  From all his detestable aims;
His power is highest
  To do and complete
The most excellent counsels
  Of his will swiftly.

Will he humble Himself so lowly,
  The great, glorious Lord?
And become a Father and a Friend
  To a base worm of the ground?
His name I will praise together
  With all the worthy angels;
Heaven is secured for me,
  If I belong to God.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
(The divine perfections)
  The Lord Jehovah reigns;
    His throne is built on high;
  The garments He assumes
    Are light and majesty;
His glories shine
      With beams so bright
No mortal eye
      Can bear the sight.

  The thunders of His hand
    The wide world keep in awe;
  His wrath and justice stand
    To guard His holy law;
And where His love
      Resolves to bless,
His truth confirms
      And seals the grace.

  Through all His ancient works
    Surprising wisdom shines,
  Confounds the powers of hell,
    And breaks their cursed designs:
Strong is His arm,
      And shall fulfill
His great decrees,
      His sovereign will.

  And will this mighty King
    Of glory condescend?
  And will He write His name:
    My Father and my friend?
I love His name;
      I love His Word;
Join all my powers,
      And praise the Lord!
Isaac Watts 1674-1748

Tôn [666688]: St John (Parish Choir 1851)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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