Iesu anwyl Fugail mwyn

(Gweddi'r Ŵyn)
Iesu anwyl, Fugail mwyn,
Derbyn ni, dy dyner ŵyn,
  Gâd in' ddod i'th gynes gôl,
  Cadw ni rhag crwydro'n ffol;
    Trwy ein hoes,
    Heb un loes,
    Cadw'n golwg ar dy groes.

Portha, dysg, ac arwain ni,
Paid a'n gwrthod, Iesu cu,
  Bydd yn gysgod rhag y gwres,
  Atat beunydd tỳn ni'n nes;
    Gyda thi,
    Awn yn hy',
    Trwy'r gelynion mawr eu rhi'.

Iesu anwyl, cofia'th ŵyn,
Buost farw er ein mwyn,
  Rhag pob ofnau cadw ni,
  Dod in' le o fewn dy dŷ;
    Yn y nef,
    Ag un llef,
    Byth ni ganwn "Iddo ef."
R Gwmryn Jones
Perorydd yr Ysgol Sul 1915

Tôn [77.77.337]: Gweddi'r Ŵyn (J Benjamin)

(The Prayer of the Lambs)
Beloved Jesus, gentle Shepherd,
Receive us, thy tender lambs,
  Let us come to thy warm bosom,
  Keep us from wandering foolishly;
    Throughout our age,
    With no anguish,
    Keep our sight upon thy cross.

Pasture, teach, and lead us,
Do not reject us, dear Jesus,
  Be a shade from the heat,
  To thee daily draw us nearer;
    With thee,
    No boldly,
    Through the enemies great in number.

Beloved Jesus, remember thy lambs,
Thou didst die for our sake,
  From all fears keep up,
  Give us a place within thy house;
    In heaven,
    With one cry,
    Forever we shall sing "Unto him."
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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