Iesu Cyfaill pechaduriaid (Dyro im' i'th fynwes ffoi)

Jesus lover of my soul

(Ffyddlawn Gyfaill mewn bywyd ac yn angau)
Iesu, Cyfaill pechaduriaid,
  Dyro im' i'th fynwes ffoi;
Tra bo'r dyfroedd chwyrn yn llifo,
  A'r tymhestloedd yn crynhoi:
Cuddia fi, O Geidwad, cuddia,
  Nes êl heibio'r 'stormydd blin;
Tywys f'enaid t'lawd i'r porthladd,
  Er mwyn d'enw mawr dy hun.

Yn y dyfroedd mawr a'r tonnau,
  Nid oes neb a ddeil fy mhen,
Ond fy ffyddlawn Archoffeiríad,
  A fu farw ar y pren:
Cyfaill yw yn afon angau,
  Ddeil fy mhen uwchlaw y don,
Golwg arno wna i mi ganu,
  Yn yr afon ddofn hon.

O fy enaid, dysgwyl ronyn,
  Paid er dim a llwfrhau,
Er cael llawer brwydr galed,
  Y mae'r olaf yn nesau:
Caf gyfarfod â'm cydfilwyr,
  Aeth trwy'r frwydr o fy mlaen,
Yna seiniwn, Buddugoliaeth
  O un galon, ac un gân.
Caniadau Sion 1827
2: Dafydd William 1720-94
- - - - -
Iesu, Cyfaill pechaduriaid, Dyro im' i'th fynwes ffoi, Tra fo'r dyfroedd chwyrn yn llifo A'r tymhestloedd yn crynhoi, Cuddia fi, O Geidwad, cuddia, Nes el heibio'r 'stormydd blin; Tywys f'enaid t'lawd i'r porthladd, Er mwyn d'enw mawr dy hun. Noddfa arall nid oes genyf, Pwysa'm henaid arnat Ti; Paid â'm gadael i'm fy hunan, Cymorth a chysura fi: Cyfiawn ydwyt Ti a sanctaidd, Minnau 'dwyf ond llwyr ammhur: Drwg, a llawn o bechod ydwyf, Tithau'n llawn o ras a gwir. Gras digonol a geir ynot, Gras i faddeu fy holl fai; Boed i'r ffrydiau pur iachusol, Oddi wrth bechod fy nglanhau: Profi maith rinweddau'th aberth Gafwy'r ochr hyn i'r bedd; Gwedi hyny dwg fi'n dawel I Gaersalem lawn o hedd.
Gafwy'r ochr hyn :: Gafwy' 'nawr tu yma

2,3: cyf.
  Cas. o Hymnau (... ein Heglwys) Daniel Jones 1863

Tonau [8787D]:
Bavaria (Felix Mendelssohn 1809-47)
Bohemia (Darmstädter Gesangbuch 1698)
Dismission (Samuel Webbe 1740-1817)
Hamburgh (J Schop / F Filitz)

  Duw llefara wrth fy ysbryd
  Milwyr Sion cym'rwn galon
  Yn y dyfroedd mawr a'r tonnau

(A faithful Friend in life and in death)
Jesus, Friend of sinners,
  Grant me to flee to thy bosom;
While the whirling waters be flowing,
  And the tempests gathering:
Hide me, O Saviour, hide:
  Until the grievous storms go past;
Guide my poor soul to the harbour,
  For the sake of thy own great name.

In the great waters and the waves,
  There is no-one that shall hold my head,
But my faithful Great High Priest,
  Who died on the tree:
A Friend he is in the river of death,
  He will hold my head up above the wave,
A look upon him makes me sing,
  In this deep river.

O my soul, wait for a while,
  Do not lose heart on any account,
Although getting many a hard battle,
  The last one is approaching:
I shall get to meet my fellow-soldiers,
  Who went through the battle before me,
There let us sound, Victory
  With one heart, and one song.
- - - - -
Jesus, Friend of sinners, Grant me to flee to thy bosom, While the whirling waters be flowing And the tempests gathering, Hide me, O Saviour, hide, Until the grievous storms go past; Guide my poor soul to the harbour, For the sake of thy own great name. Another refuge I have none, I soul leans on thee; Do not leave me to myself, Help and comfort thou me: Righteous art thou and holy, Whereas I am only completely impure: Evil, and full of sin am I, Whereas thou art full of grace and truth. Sufficient grace is found in thee, Grace to forgive my whole fault; Let the pure, healing streams flow, From my sin to cleanse me: A vast experience of the merit of thy sacrifice I shall have this side of the grave; After that lead me quietly To Jerusalem full of peace.
I shall have this side :: I shall have now this side

tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

Jesus, lover of my soul,
  Let me to Thy bosom fly,
While the nearer waters roll,
  While the tempest still is high:
Hide me, O my Savior, hide,
  Till the storm of life is past;
Safe into the haven guide;
  O receive my soul at last.

- - - - -
Jesus, lover of my soul, Let me to Thy bosom fly, While the nearer waters roll, While the tempest still is high: Hide me, O my Saviour, hide, Till the storm of life is past; Safe into the haven guide; O receive my soul at last. Other refuge have I none, Hangs my helpless soul on Thee; Leave, ah! leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me. Just and holy is Thy Name, I am all unrighteousness; False and full of sin I am; Thou art full of truth and grace. Plenteous grace with Thee is found, Grace to cover all my sin; Let the healing streams abound; Make and keep me pure within. Thou of life the fountain art, Freely let me take of Thee; Spring Thou up within my heart; Rise to all eternity.

Charles Wesley 1707-88

Aberystwyth (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)
Hollingside (John Bacchus Dykes 1823-76)
Martyn (1834 Simeon B Marsh 1798-1875)
Refuge (1862 Joseph P Holbrook 1822-1888)
St Fabian (Joseph Barnby 1838-1896)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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