Iesu dyrchafedig, Geidwad bendigedig, Mawl a'th erys di; Arglwydd llawn tosturi, Edrych ar ein gweddi, Iesu cymorth ni; Trugarha, O Arglwydd da; Rho faddeuant, rho dangnefedd, Dwg ni i'th orfoledd. Ymaith ffôl amheuon, Heriaf bob treialon, F'Arglwydd yw fy rhan; Canaf ym mhob tywydd, Os caf wênau'm Harglwydd, Gobaith f'enaid gwan; O fy Nuw, fy ngweddi clyw! Os cyrhaeddaf nef y nefoedd, Molaf di'n oes oesoedd.William Ambrose (Emrys) 1813-73
Tôn [665.665.786]: Iesu dyrchafedig / Jesu meine Freude |
Exalted Jesus, Blessed Saviour, Praise shall exalt thee; Lord full of mercy, Look on our prayer, Jesus our help; Have mercy, O good Lord; Grant forgiveness, grant peace, Lead us to thy rejoicing. Away with foolish of doubts, I will defy all trials, My Lord is my portion; I will sing in every weather, If I have the smiles of my Lord, The hope of my weak soul; O my god, hear my prayer! If I reach the heaven of the heavens, I will praise thee forever and 2011 Richard B Gillion |