Iesu dyro dy amddiffyn

(Amddiffyn Dwyfol)
Iesu, dyro Dy amddiffyn,
  Tra fwy'n crwydro'r anial maith,
Rhag im' gael fy llwyr ddifetha
  Cyn cyrhaeddyd pen fy nhaith:
    Nid oes arall
  All fy nghymorth ond Dy hun.

Pan fo stormydd temtasiynau
  Amgylch ogylch yn crynhoi,
Bydd wrth law yn noddfa barod
  Fel y gallwyf atat droi;
    Yn Dy gysgod
  Byddaf yn ddïogel byth.

A phan ddelwyf i wynebu
  Ar diriogaeth brenin braw,
N'ad i'm calon egwan ballu,
  Rho im' afael yn Dy law:
    Ti gei'r moliant
  Byth am hyn yr ochor draw.
David Rowlands (Dewi Môn) 1836-1907

Tôn [878747]: Bryn Calfaria
    (Daniel Protheroe 1866-1934)

(Divine Protection)
Jesus, grant thy protection,
  While ever I wander the vast desert,
Lest I get completely destroyed
  Before reaching my journey's end:
    There is no other
  Who can help me but thyself.

When the storms of temptations be
  Around encircling gathering,
Be at hand as a ready refuge
  That I may turn to thee;
    In thy shadow
  I shall be safe forever.

And when I come to face
  On the territory of the king of terror,
Let not my weak heart fail,
  Grant me to hold thy hand:
    Thou shalt get the praise
  Forever for this on yonder side.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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